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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 374
Sabin, Chauncey Brewer
Sabin, George Myron
Sabraw, Dana Makoto
Sachs, Howard Frederic
Sack, Robert David
Saffels, Dale Emerson
Sage, George Read
Salas, Esther
Saldaña, Diana
Sam, David
Sames, Albert Morris
Sammartino, Janis Lynn
Sanborn, Arthur Loomis
Sanborn, John Benjamin
Sanborn, Walter Henry
Sanchez, Gabriel Patrick
Sánchez, Juan Ramon
Sand, Leonard Burke
Sanders, Harold Barefoot, Jr.
Sandoval, Brian Edward
Sands, W[illie] Louis
Sanford, Edward Terry
Sannes, Brenda Kay
Saporito, Joseph Francis, Jr.
Sargus, Edmund A., Jr.
Saris, Patti B.
Sarokin, H. Lee
Sater, John Elbert
Saunders, Eugene Davis
Savage, Royce H.
Savage, Timothy J.
Sawtelle, William Henry
Sawyer, Lorenzo
Saylor, F. Dennis IV
Scalera, Ralph Francis
Scalia, Antonin
Scarburgh, George Parker
Scarlett, Francis Muir
Scarsi, Mark Christopher
Schall, Alvin Anthony
Schatz, Albert Gerard
Scheindlin, Shira A.
Schell, Richard A.
Schelp, Matthew Thomas
Schiavelli, George P.
Schiller, Berle M.
Schiltz, Patrick Joseph
Schlesinger, Harvey Erwin
Schmehl, Jeffrey L.
Schnacke, Robert Howard
Schnackenberg, Elmer Jacob
Schneider, Michael H., Sr.
Schofield, Lorna Gail
Schofield, William
Scholer, Karen Gren
Schoonmaker, Frederic Palen
Schopler, Andrew George
Schreier, Karen E.
Schroeder, Mary Murphy
Schroeder, Robert William III
Schroeder, Thomas D.
Schulte, Eric Claude
Schwab, Arthur J.
Schwartz, Allen G.
Schwartz, Charles, Jr.
Schwartz, Edward Joseph
Schwartz, Milton Lewis
Schwartz, Murray Merle
Schwarzer, William W
Schweinhaut, Henry Albert
Schwellenbach, Lewis Baxter
Schydlower, Leon
Scirica, Anthony Joseph
Scofield, Glenni William
Scola, Robert Nichols, Jr.
Scott, Charles Ray
Scott, George Cromwell
Scott, Jeanne E.
Scott, Kai Niambi
Scott, Nauman Steele
Scott, Thomas Emerson, Jr.
Scriven, Mary Stenson
Scudder, Michael Yale, Jr.
Scullin, Frederick James, Jr.
Seabright, J[ohn] Michael
Seals, Woodrow Bradley
Seaman, William Henry
Sear, Morey Leonard
Seay, Frank Howell
Sedwick, John W.
Seeborg, Richard G.
Seeger, Steven Charles
Seibel, Cathy
Seitz, Collins Jacques
Seitz, Patricia A.
Self, Tilman Eugene III
Selna, James V.
Selya, Bruce Marshall
Semper, Jamel Ken
Sentelle, David Bryan
Senter, Lyonel Thomas, Jr.
Sessions, Clarence W.
Sessions, William K. III
Sessions, William Steele
Seth, Oliver
Settle, Benjamin Hale
Settle, Thomas
Severens, Henry Franklin
Sewall, David
Seybert, Joanna
Seymour, Augustus Sherrill
Seymour, Margaret B.
Seymour, Stephanie Kulp
Shabaz, John C.
Shadid, James Edward
Shadur, Milton Irving
Shah, Manish Suresh
Shanahan, Thomas Michael
Shannon, Clyde Frederick, Jr.
Shanstrom, Jack D.
Shapiro, Norma Levy
Sharp, Allen
Sharp, George Kendall
Sharp, Kevin Hunter
Sharp, Morell Edward
Sharpe, Gary L.
Shaw, Charles Alexander
Shaw, Elwyn Riley
Shaw, John Malach
Shaw, Robert
Shea, Edward F.
Shea, Michael P.
Shedd, Dennis W.
Sheehy, Joseph Warren
Shelbourne, Roy Mahlon
Shelby, David Davie
Shelby, Robert James
Shell, Terry Lee
Shepard, Seth
Shepherd, Bobby E.
Shepley, George Foster
Sheppard, William Bostwick
Sherburne, John Samuel
Sheridan, Michael Henry
Sheridan, Peter G.
Sherman, Charles Taylor
Sherriff, Kirk Edward
Shields, William Bayard
Shipman, Nathaniel
Shipman, William Davis
Shipp, Michael Andre
Shiras, George, Jr.
Shiras, Oliver Perry
Shoob, Marvin Herman
Showalter, John William
Shubb, William B.
Shwartz, Patty
Sibley, Samuel Hale
Siddons, Frederick Lincoln
Sifton, Charles Proctor
Silberman, Laurence Hirsch
Siler, Eugene Edward, Jr.
Silva, Cristina Dionne
Silver, Roslyn O.
Silverman, Barry G.
Simandle, Jerome B.
Simmons, James Edward, Jr.
Simmons, Paul Allen
Simon, Michael H.
Simon, Philip P.
Simons, Charles Casper
Simons, Charles Earl, Jr.
Simonton, Charles Henry
Simpson, Charles Ralph III
Simpson, John Milton Bryan
Sinatra, John Leonard, Jr.
Singal, George Z.
Singhal, Anuraag Hari
Singleton, James Keith, Jr.
Singleton, John Virgil, Jr.
Sinnott, Nicholas John
Sippel, Rodney W.
Siragusa, Charles J.
Sirica, John Joseph
Sitgreaves, John
Skavdahl, Scott Wesley
Skelton, Byron George
Skinner, Roger
Skinner, Walter Jay
Skopil, Otto Richard, Jr.
Skretny, William M.
Slaughter, Fred Wallace
Sleet, Gregory Moneta
Slick, Thomas Whitten
Sloan, Richard Elihu
Sloan, William Boyd
Slomsky, Joel Harvey
Sloviter, Dolores Korman
Smalkin, Frederic N.
Smalley, David Allen
Smith Camp, Laurie
Smith, Arthur Mumford
Smith, Caleb Blood
Smith, Charles Lynwood, Jr.
Smith, D[avid] Brooks
Smith, Edward George
Smith, Edward Samuel
Smith, Fern M.
Smith, George Curtis
Smith, Henry Augustus Middleton
Smith, James Francis
Smith, Jeremiah
Smith, Jerry Edwin
Smith, John Joseph
Smith, John Lewis, Jr.
Smith, Lavenski R.
Smith, Micah William Janso
Smith, Milan Dale, Jr.
Smith, N[orman] Randy
Smith, Orma Rinehart
Smith, Ortrie D.
Smith, Randle Jasper
Smith, Rebecca Beach
Smith, Rodney
Smith, Russell Evans
Smith, Sidney Oslin, Jr.
Smith, Talbot
Smith, Walter Inglewood
Smith, Walter Scott, Jr.
Smith, William E.
Smith, William Francis
Smith, William Robert, Sr.
Smoak, John Richard, Jr.
Smyth, Constantine Joseph
Sneed, Joseph Tyree III
Sneed, Julie Simone
Sneeden, Emory Marlin
Snow, G. Murray
Snyder, Christina A.
Snyder, Daniel John, Jr.
Sobeloff, Simon E.
Sofaer, Abraham David
Solis, Jorge Antonio
Solomon, Gus Jerome
Sooknanan, Sparkle Leah
Soper, Morris Ames
Sorg, Herbert Peter
Sorokin, Leo Theodore
Soto, James Alan
Sotomayor, Sonia
Souter, David Hackett
Southwick, Leslie
Sparks, Sam
Sparks, William Morris
Sparr, Daniel B.
Spatt, Arthur Donald
Speakman, Howard C.
Spears, Adrian Anthony
Speer, Emory
Spellman, Eugene P.
Spencer, James Randolph
Spiegel, S. Arthur
Sporkin, Stanley
Sprague, Peleg
Sprecher, Robert Arthur
Springmann, Theresa Lazar
Sprizzo, John Emilio
Sprouse, James Marshall
Squatrito, Dominic J.
Srinivasan, Srikanth
St. Eve, Amy Joan
St. Sure, Adolphus Frederic
Stadtmueller, Joseph Peter
Stafford, Wendell Phillips
Stafford, William Henry, Jr.
Stagg, Thomas E., Jr.
Stahl, David Henry
Stahl, Norman H.
Staker, Robert Jackson
Staley, Austin Leander
Stamp, Frederick Pfarr, Jr.
Stanceu, Timothy C.
Standish, William Lloyd
Stanley, Arthur Jehu, Jr.
Stanley, Edwin Monroe
Stanton, Louis Lee
Stapleton, Walter King
Stark, Leonard Philip
Starr, Brantley David
Starr, Kenneth Winston
Starr, Raymond Wesley
Starrett, Keith
Staton, Josephine L.
Stearns, Richard Gaylore
Steckler, William Elwood
Steeh, George Caram III
Steel, Edwin DeHaven, Jr.
Steele, John E.
Steele, William H.
Steger, William Merritt
Stein, Sidney H.
Stengel, Lawrence F.
Stephens, Albert Lee, Jr.
Stephens, Albert Lee, Sr.
Stephens, Harold Montelle
Stephens, William
Stephenson, Roy Laverne
Sterling, Ross N.
Stern, Herbert Jay
Stevens, John Paul
Stevens, Joseph Edward, Jr.
Stewart, Brian Theadore
Stewart, Carl E.
Stewart, Charles E., Jr.
Stewart, Potter
Stewart, William Alvah
Stickman, William Shaw IV
Stiehl, William Donald
Stivers, Gregory N.
Stohr, Donald J.
Stokes, John
Stoll, Kara Farnandez
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Stone, Kimbrough
Stone, Patrick Thomas
Story, Joseph
Story, Richard W.
Story, William
Stotler, Alicemarie Huber
Stranch, Jane Branstetter
Strand, Leonard Terry
Strand, Roger Gordon
Stras, David Ryan
Straub, Chester J.
Strickland, Margaret Irene
Strom, Lyle Elmer
Strong, William
Strum, Louie Willard
Stuart, William Corwin
Subramanian, Arun Srinivas
Suddaby, Glenn T.
Sugarman, Sidney
Suhrheinrich, Richard Fred
Suko, Lonny R.
Sullivan, Emmet G.
Sullivan, George F.
Sullivan, Jerry Bartholomew
Sullivan, John
Sullivan, Philip Leo
Sullivan, Richard Joseph
Summerhays, Robert Rees
Sung, Jennifer
Surrick, R[ichard] Barclay
Sutherland, George
Suttle, Dorwin Wallace
Sutton, Jeffrey S.
Swaim, Hardress Nathan
Swain, Laura Taylor
Swan, Henry Harrison
Swan, Thomas Walter
Swayne, Charles
Swayne, Noah Haynes
Sweeney, Charlotte Noelle
Sweeney, George Clinton
Sweeney, James Russell II
Sweet, Robert Workman
Sweigert, William Thomas
Swinford, Mac
Swing, Philip Bergen
Switzer, Carroll O.
Swygert, Luther Merritt
Sykes, Diane S.
Sykes, Sunshine Suzanne
Symes, John Foster