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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 267
Waddill, Edmund, Jr.
Waddoups, Clark
Waddy, Joseph Cornelius
Wade, Martin Joseph
Waite, Byron Sylvester
Waite, Morrison Remick
Wake, Neil Vincent
Wald, Patricia McGowan
Waldman, Jay Carl
Wales, Leonard Eugene
Walinski, Nicholas Joseph, Jr.
Walker, Jamar Kentrell
Walker, John Mercer, Jr.
Walker, Jonathan Hoge
Walker, Justin Reed
Walker, Lance Edward
Walker, Mark Eaton
Walker, Richard Wilde
Walker, Thomas Glynn
Walker, Thomas Joseph
Walker, Vaughn R.
Wallace, John Clifford
Wallace, William James
Wallace, William Robert
Wallach, Evan Jonathan
Waller, Curtis Longino
Walls, William H.
Walsh, James Augustine
Walsh, Lawrence Edward
Walsh, Leonard Patrick
Walter, Donald Ellsworth
Walter, John F.
Walton, Reggie B.
Wang, Lisa Wen-Jia
Wang, Nina Nin-Yuen
Wangelin, Harris Kenneth
Wanger, Oliver Winston
Wanty, George P.
Ward, Henry Galbraith
Ward, Hiram Hamilton
Ward, Horace Taliaferro
Ward, Robert Joseph
Ward, T. John
Wardlaw, Kim McLane
Ware, Ashur
Ware, James
Waring, Julius Waties
Warlick, Wilson
Warren, Earl
Warren, Robert Willis
Warriner, David Dortch
Warrington, John Wesley
Washington, Bushrod
Washington, George Thomas
Waterman, Sterry Robinson
Waters, H[ugh] Franklin
Waters, Laughlin Edward, Sr.
Watford, Paul Jeffrey
Watkins, Harry Evans
Watkins, Henry Hitt
Watkins, Robert Dorsey
Watkins, William Keith
Watrous, John Charles
Watson, Albert Leisenring
Watson, Derrick Kahala
Watson, James Lopez
Watson, Michael H.
Watters, Susan Pamela
Way, Luther B.
Wayne, James Moore
Webb, Edwin Yates
Webb, Nathan
Webb, Rodney Scott
Webber, E. Richard
Weber, Gerald Joseph
Weber, Herman Jacob
Weber, Randolph Henry
Webster, John Stanley
Webster, William Hedgcock
Weick, Paul Charles
Weigel, Stanley Alexander
Weilheimer, Gail Allison
Weinberger, Jacob
Weiner, Charles R.
Weinfeld, Edward
Weinman, Carl Andrew
Weinshienk, Zita Leeson
Weinstein, Jack Bertrand
Weis, Joseph Francis, Jr.
Weldon, Lawrence
Welker, Martin
Wellborn, Olin
Weller, George Emery
Wellford, Harry Walker
Wells, Lesley Brooks
Wells, Robert William
Welsh, George Austin
Welsh, Martin Ignatius
Welte, Peter David
Werker, Henry Frederick
Werlein, Ewing, Jr.
Wesley, Richard C.
West, DuVal
West, Elmer Gordon
West, Lee Roy
West, Roger Blake
West, Samuel H.
Westenhaver, David C.
Westover, Harry Clay
Wetherell, T. Kent II
Wexler, Leonard D.
Whaley, Richard Smith
Whaley, Robert H.
Wham, Fred Louis
Wheat, Alfred Adams
Wheeler, Hoyt Henry
Whelan, Francis C.
Whelan, Thomas J.
Whipple, Dean
Whipple, Lawrence Aloysius
Whitaker, Samuel Estill
White, Albert Smith
White, Byron Raymond
White, Edward Douglass
White, George Washington
White, Helene N.
White, Jeffrey Steven
White, Robert Jerome
White, Ronald A.
White, Ronnie Lee
White, William
Whitehead, Jamal Norman
Whitehurst, George William
Whitney, Frank DeArmon
Whitson, Edward
Whittaker, Charles Evans
Whittemore, James D.
Whyte, Ronald M.
Wicker, Veronica DiCarlo
Widener, Hiram Emory, Jr.
Wiegand, Christy Criswell
Wiener, Jacques Loeb, Jr.
Wier, Robert Earl
Wigenton, Susan Davis
Wiggins, Charles Edward
Wilbur, Curtis Dwight
Wilhoit, Henry Rupert, Jr.
Wilken, Claudia Ann
Wilkerson, James Herbert
Wilkey, Malcolm Richard
Wilkin, Robert Nugen
Wilkins, Philip Charles
Wilkins, Robert Leon
Wilkins, Ross
Wilkins, William
Wilkins, William Walter
Wilkinson, James Harvie III
Will, Hubert Louis
Willard, Charles Andrew
Willett, Don R.
Williams, Alexander, Jr.
Williams, Ann Claire
Williams, Archibald
Williams, Ashton Hilliard
Williams, Charles Joseph
Williams, David Welford
Williams, Glen Morgan
Williams, Gregory Brian
Williams, Jerre Stockton
Williams, John A.
Williams, Karen J.
Williams, Karen McGlashan
Williams, Kathleen Mary
Williams, Omar Antonio
Williams, Paul X
Williams, Richard Leroy
Williams, Robert Lee
Williams, Spencer Mortimer
Williams, Stephen Fain
Williams, Thomas Sutler
Willson, Hiram V.
Willson, Joseph Putnam
Wilmot, David
Wilson, Billy Roy
Wilson, Charles R.
Wilson, Cory Todd
Wilson, David John
Wilson, Frank Wiley
Wilson, James
Wilson, James Clifton
Wilson, Jennifer Philpott
Wilson, Samuel Grayson
Wilson, Scott
Wilson, Stephen Victor
Wimes, Brian Curtis
Winch, Joel C. C.
Winchester, James
Winder, David Keith
Wing, Francis Joseph
Wingate, Henry Travillion
Winmill, B. Lynn
Winner, Fred M.
Winslow, Francis Asbury
Winsor, Allen Cothrel
Winter, Harrison Lee
Winter, Ralph K., Jr.
Wisdom, John Minor
Wise, Henry Seiler
Wise, Noël
Wiseman, Thomas Anderton, Jr.
Withey, Solomon Lewis
Witmer, Charles B.
Wolcott, Oliver
Wolf, Mark Lawrence
Wolford, Elizabeth Ann
Wolfson, Freda L.
Wolin, Alfred M.
Wolle, Charles Robert
Wollenberg, Albert Charles
Wollman, Roger Leland
Wolson, Joshua David
Wolverton, Charles Edwin
Wong, Dick Yin
Wood, Andrea Robin
Wood, Diane Pamela
Wood, Harlington, Jr.
Wood, Harold Kenneth
Wood, John Howland, Jr.
Wood, Kimba Maureen
Wood, Lisa Godbey
Woodbury, Levi
Woodbury, Peter
Woodcock, John A., Jr.
Woodlock, Douglas Preston
Woodrough, Joseph William
Woodruff, Lewis Bartholomew
Woods, Charles Albert
Woods, George E.
Woods, Gregory Howard III
Woods, Henry
Woods, William Allen
Woods, William Burnham
Woodward, Charles Edgar
Woodward, Halbert Owen
Woolley, Victor Baynard
Woolsey, John Munro
Woolson, John Simson
Wooten, Terry L.
Worley, Francis Eugene
Wortendyke, Reynier Jacob, Jr.
Wright, Caleb Merrill
Wright, Daniel Thew
Wright, Eugene Allen
Wright, Francis Marion
Wright, James Skelly
Wright, Otis D. II
Wright, Scott Olin
Wright, Susan Webber
Wright, Wilhelmina Marie
Wu, George H.
Wyatt, Inzer Bass
Wyche, Charles Cecil
Wylie, Andrew
Wyman, Alfred Lee
Wynn, James Andrew, Jr.
Wyrick, Patrick Robert
Wyzanski, Charles Edward, Jr.