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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 205
Rabinovitz, David
Rader, Randall Ray
Rafeedie, Edward
Raggi, Reena
Ragon, Heartsill
Rainey, John David
Rakoff, Jed Saul
Rambo, Sylvia H.
Ramirez, Irma Carrillo
Ramirez, Raul Anthony
Ramos, Edgardo
Ramos, Nelva Gonzales
Ramsey, Norman Park
Randa, Rudolph Thomas
Randall, Archibald
Randolph, Arthur Raymond
Randolph, Peter
Ranjan, J. Nicholas
Rankin, Kelly Harrison
Rao, Neomi Jehangir
Rao, Paul Peter
Rasch, Carl L.
Rash, Scott Hugh
Rawlinson, Johnnie B.
Ray, George Washington
Ray, William McCrary II
Rayes, Douglas Leroy
Rayfiel, Leo Frederick
Raymond, Fred Morton
Re, Edward Domenic
Rea, William J.
Reade, Linda R.
Readler, Chad Andrew
Reagan, Michael Joseph
Real, Manuel Lawrence
Rearden, Jennifer Hutchison
Reasoner, Stephen M.
Reavley, Thomas Morrow
Rector, John B.
Redden, James Anthony
Reed, Edward Cornelius, Jr.
Reed, Henry Thomas
Reed, James Hay
Reed, John Alton, Jr.
Reed, Lowell A., Jr.
Reed, Scott Elgin
Reed, Stanley Forman
Reeves, Albert L.
Reeves, Carlton Wayne
Reeves, Danny C.
Reeves, Pamela Lynn
Regan, John Keating
Register, George Scott
Rehnquist, William Hubbs
Reidinger, Martin Karl
Reif, Timothy Mark
Reinhard, Philip Godfrey
Reinhardt, Stephen Roy
Reiss, Christina Clair
Rellstab, John
Rendell, Marjorie O.
Renfrew, Charles Byron
Renner, Robert George
Restani, Jane A.
Restrepo, Luis Felipe
Revercomb, George Hughes
Reyes, Ana Cecilia
Reyes, Ramon Ernesto, Jr.
Reyna, Jimmie V.
Reynolds, John W.
Rhoades, John Skylstead, Sr.
Rice, Ben Herbert, Jr.
Rice, Eugene
Rice, Thomas Owen
Rice, Walter Herbert
Rich, Giles Sutherland
Richards, John Kelvey
Richardson, Eli Jeremy
Richardson, Julius Ness
Richardson, Scovel
Richardson, William Adams
Richey, Charles Robert
Richey, Mary Anne
Richman, Priscilla
Ricks, Augustus J.
Riddick, Walter Garrett
Ridge, Albert Alphonso
Ridgway, Delissa Anne
Rifkind, Simon Hirsch
Riggs, Kea Whetzal
Rikelman, Julie
Riley, Paul E.
Riley, William F.
Riley, William Jay
Riner, John Alden
Ringo, Daniel
Rippey, Harlan Watson
Ripple, Kenneth Francis
Ritter, Halsted Lockwood
Ritter, Willis William
Ritz, Kevin Gafford
Rives, Alexander
Rives, Richard Taylor
Rizley, Ross
Robart, James L.
Robb, Charles Henry
Robb, Roger
Roberts, Floyd H.
Roberts, Jack
Roberts, John Glover, Jr.
Roberts, Owen Josephus
Roberts, Richard W.
Roberts, Ross Thompson
Roberts, Victoria A.
Robertson, James
Robertson, Thomas Bolling
Robinson, Aubrey Eugene, Jr.
Robinson, Beth
Robinson, Julie A.
Robinson, Mary Lou
Robinson, Richard Earl
Robinson, Spottswood William III
Robinson, Stephen C.
Robinson, Sue Lewis
Robinson, Todd Wallace
Robreno, Eduardo C.
Robson, Edwin Albert
Roche, Michael Joseph
Rochon, Jennifer Louise
Rodgers, Margaret Catharine
Rodney, Richard Seymour
Rodriguez, Fernando, Jr.
Rodriguez, Joseph H.
Rodriguez, Regina Marie
Rodriguez, Xavier
Roettger, Norman Charles, Jr.
Rogers, Henry Wade
Rogers, John Henry
Rogers, John M.
Rogers, Judith Ann Wilson
Rogers, Richard Dean
Rogers, Waldo Henry
Rogers, Yvonne Gonzalez
Roll, John McCarthy
Román, Nelson Stephen
Roney, Paul Hitch
Rose, John Carter
Rose, Stephanie Marie
Rose, Thomas M.
Rosen, Gerald Ellis
Rosen, James
Rosenbaum, James Michael
Rosenbaum, Robin Stacie
Rosenberg, Louis
Rosenberg, Robin Lee
Rosenblatt, Paul Gerhardt
Rosenn, Max
Rosenstein, Samuel Murray
Rosenstengel, Nancy Jo
Rosenthal, Lee Hyman
Rosling, George
Ross, Allyne R.
Ross, Donald Roe
Ross, Eleanor Louise
Ross, Erskine Mayo
Ross, John Andrew
Ross, John Rolly
Ross, John William
Rossell, William
Rossiter, Robert F., Jr.
Rossman, Veronica Sophia
Roszkowski, Stanley Julian
Roth, Jane Richards
Roth, Stephen John
Rothstein, Barbara Jacobs
Rovner, Ilana Kara Diamond
Rowland, Mary Margaret
Roy, Elsijane Trimble
Royal, C. Ashley
Rubin, Alvin Benjamin
Rubin, Carl Bernard
Rubin, Julie Rebecca
Rudkin, Frank H.
Rudofsky, Lee Philip
Rufe, Cynthia M.
Ruiz, David Augustin
Ruiz, Rodolfo Armando II
Runyon, William Nelson
Rushing, Allison Jones
Russell, Dan Monroe, Jr.
Russell, David Lynn
Russell, Donald Stuart
Russell, George Levi III
Russell, Gordon James
Russell, John David
Russell, Robert Lee
Russell, Sarah French
Russell, Thomas B.
Rutledge, John
Rutledge, Wiley Blount
Ryan, Harold Lyman
Ryan, James Leo
Ryan, Sylvester J.
Rymer, Pamela Ann
Ryskamp, Kenneth L.