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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 300
Hackett, Barbara Kloka
Haddon, Sam E.
Haden, Charles Harold II
Hagen, David Warner
Haggerty, Ancer Lee
Hagner, Alexander Burton
Hahn, George Philip
Haight, Charles Sherman, Jr.
Haight, Fletcher Mathews
Haight, Thomas Griffith
Haik, Richard T.
Haikala, Madeline Hughes
Haines, Stephanie Lou
Halbert, Sherrill
Hale, Clarence
Hale, David Jason
Hall, Cynthia Holcomb
Hall, Dominic Augustin
Hall, James Randal
Hall, Janet C.
Hall, Jennifer Lynne
Hall, Kenneth Keller
Hall, Nathan Kelsey
Hall, Peirson Mitchell
Hall, Peter W.
Hall, Robert Howell
Hall, Sam Blakeley, Jr.
Hall, Willard
Hallanan, Elizabeth Virginia
Hallett, Moses
Halpern, Philip Morgan
Haltom, Elbert Bertram, Jr.
Halyburton, James Dandridge
Hamilton, Clyde H.
Hamilton, David Frank
Hamilton, Elwood
Hamilton, Jean Constance
Hamilton, Phyllis Jean
Hamley, Frederick George
Hamlin, Oliver Deveta, Jr.
Hammond, Eli Shelby
Hancock, James Hughes
Hand, Augustus Noble
Hand, Learned
Hand, William Brevard
Hanen, Andrew S.
Hanes, Elizabeth Wilson
Haney, Bert Emory
Hanford, Cornelius Holgate
Hanks, George Carol, Jr.
Hanlon, James Patrick
Hannah, John H., Jr.
Hannay, Allen Burroughs
Hannum, John Berne
Hansen, Curtis LeRoy
Hansen, David Rasmussen
Hanson, William Cook
Hardiman, Thomas Michael
Hardy, Charles Leach
Hardy, William Scott
Hargrove, John Raymond, Sr.
Harjani, Sunil Ramesh
Harlan, John Marshall
Harlan, John Marshall
Harmon, Melinda
Harper, Roy Winfield
Harper, Samuel Hadden
Harpool, M. Douglas
Harrington, Edward Francis
Harris, Edward
Harris, George Bernard
Harris, Oren
Harris, Pamela Ann
Harris, Stanley S.
Harrison, Benjamin
Hart, George Luzerne, Jr.
Hart, William Thomas
Hartigan, John Patrick
Hartshorne, Richard
Hartz, Harris L.
Harvey, Alexander II
Harvey, James
Harvey, Matthew
Harwell, Robert Bryan
Hastie, William Henry
Hastings, Alcee Lamar
Hastings, John Simpson
Hatch, Carl A.
Hatchett, Joseph Woodrow
Hatfield, Charles Sherrod
Hatfield, Paul Gerhart
Hatter, Terry J., Jr.
Hauk, A. Andrew
Hawkins, Falcon Black, Jr.
Hawkins, Michael Daly
Hawley, Jonathan Eugene
Hawley, Thomas Porter
Hay, George
Hay, James
Hayden, Katharine Sweeney
Hayes, Johnson Jay
Hayes, William Q.
Haynes, Catharina
Haynes, William Joseph, Jr.
Haynsworth, Clement Furman, Jr.
Hays, Paul Raymond
Hays, William Hercules
Hazel, George Jarrod
Hazel, John Raymond
Head, Hayden Wilson, Jr.
Healey, Arthur Daniel
Healy, William
Heaney, Gerald William
Heartfield, Thad
Heath, Upton Scott
Heaton, Joe L.
Heebe, Frederick Jacob Reagan
Heen, Walter Meheula
Heil, John Frederick III
Hellerstein, Alvin K.
Helmick, Jeffrey James
Helvering, Guy Tresillian
Hemphill, Robert Witherspoon
Henderson, Albert John
Henderson, David Ezekiel
Henderson, John Oliver
Henderson, Karen LeCraft
Henderson, Thelton Eugene
Hendren, Jimm Larry
Hendricks, Bruce Howe
Hendrix, James Wesley
Henley, Jesse Smith
Henning, Edward J.
Henry, Catherine
Henry, Robert Harlan
Herlands, William Bernard
Herlong, Henry Michael, Jr.
Herman, Robert Dixon
Hermansdorfer, H[oward] David
Hernandez, Marco Antonio
Herndon, David R.
Herrera, Judith C.
Heyburn, John Gilpin II
Heytens, Toby Jay
Hibbler, William J.
Hickenlooper, Smith
Hickey, John Joseph
Hickey, Susan Owens
Hicklin, Edwin Richley
Hicks, Larry R.
Hicks, S. Maurice, Jr.
Hicks, Xenophon
Higby, Lynn Carlton
Higginbotham, Aloyisus Leon, Jr.
Higginbotham, Patrick Errol
Higgins, Thomas Aquinas
Higginson, Stephen Andrew
Highsmith, Shelby
Hill, Delmas Carl
Hill, Irving
Hill, James Clinkscales
Hill, Robert Andrews
Hill, Robert Madden
Hill, Sara Elizabeth
Hillman, Douglas Woodruff
Hillman, Noel Lawrence
Hillman, Timothy Spafard
Hillyer, Edgar Winters
Hilton, Claude M.
Hincks, Carroll Clark
Hinderaker, John Charles
Hinkle, Robert Lewis
Hinojosa, Ricardo H.
Hitchcock, Samuel
Hittner, David
Hitz, William
Ho, Dale Edwin
Ho, James C.
Hobart, John Sloss
Hobbs, Truman McGill
Hochberg, Faith S.
Hodge, Kelley Brisbon
Hodge, Walter Hartman
Hodges, William Terrell
Hoehling, Adolph A., Jr.
Hoeveler, William Marcellin
Hoffman, Julius Jennings
Hoffman, Ogden, Jr.
Hoffman, Walter Edward
Hogan, Michael Robert
Hogan, Thomas Francis
Hogan, Timothy Sylvester
Holcomb, John William
Holden, James Stuart
Holder, Cale James
Holderman, James F.
Holland, H[ezekiah] Russel
Holland, James Buchanan
Holland, John Warthen
Hollander, Ellen Lipton
Hollister, Howard Clark
Holloway, William Judson, Jr.
Holly, William Harrison
Hollzer, Harry Aaron
Holman, Jesse Lynch
Holmes, Edwin Ruthven
Holmes, Jerome A.
Holmes, J[ames] Leon
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Holmes, Paul Kinloch III
Holmes, Sven Erik
Holschuh, John David
Holt, George Chandler
Holtzoff, Alexander
Holwell, Richard J.
Honeywell, Charlene Vanessa Edwards
Hood, Denise Page
Hood, Joseph Martin
Hook, William Cather
Hooper, Frank Arthur
Hopkins, James Campbell
Hopkins, Jeffery Paul
Hopkins, Richard Joseph
Hopkins, Virginia Emerson
Hopkinson, Francis
Hopkinson, Joseph
Horan, Marilyn Jean
Hornak, Mark Raymond
Hornby, David Brock
Horton, Odell
Houck, C[harles] Weston
Hough, Benson W.
Hough, Charles Merrill
Houston, James
Houston, John A.
Hovland, Daniel L.
Howard, Alex T., Jr.
Howard, Clinton Woodbury
Howard, George, Jr.
Howard, Jeffrey R.
Howard, Joseph Clemens
Howard, Malcolm Jones
Howard, Marcia Morales
Howe, Harland Bradley
Howe, James Henry
Howell, Beryl Alaine
Howell, David
Howell, George Evan
Howell, William Barberie
Howry, Charles Bowen
Hoyt, Kenneth M.
Hsu, Wesley Liu
Huck, Paul C.
Hudson, Henry E.
Hudspeth, Harry Lee
Huff, Marilyn L.
Huffaker, R. Austin, Jr.
Hufstedler, Shirley Ann Mount
Hug, Procter Ralph, Jr.
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hughes, James
Hughes, Lynn Nettleton
Hughes, Robert William
Hughes, Sarah Tilghman
Hughes, Todd Michael
Huie, Robert Steven
Hulbert, George Murray
Hulen, Rubey Mosley
Hull, Frank M.
Hull, Thomas Gray
Humetewa, Diane Joyce
Humphrey, J. Otis
Humphreys, David Campbell
Humphreys, West Hughes
Hundley, Oscar Richard
Hungate, William Leonard
Hunt, LaShonda Annette
Hunt, Roger L.
Hunt, Ward
Hunt, William Henry
Hunt, William Henry
Hunt, Willis B., Jr.
Hunter, Edwin Ford, Jr.
Hunter, Elmo Bolton
Hunter, James III
Huntington, Elisha Mills
Hupp, Harry Lindley
Hurd, David N.
Hurley, Daniel T. K.
Hurley, Denis Reagan
Hurson, Brendan Abell
Hurwitz, Andrew David
Hutcheson, Charles Sterling
Hutcheson, Joseph Chappell, Jr.
Hutchinson, William D.
Hutton, Herbert J.
Huvelle, Ellen Segal
Huxman, Walter August
Huyett, Daniel Henry III
Hwang, Anne