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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 177
Paca, William
Pacold, Martha Maria
Padin, Evelyn
Padova, John R.
Paez, Richard A.
Page, George True
Paine, Elijah
Paine, James Carriger
Palk, Scott Lawrence
Pallmeyer, Rebecca R.
Palmieri, Edmund Louis
Pan, Florence Y.
Pannell, Charles A., Jr.
Panner, Owen Murphy
Papillion, Darrel James
Pappert, Gerald John
Pardee, Don Albert
Park, Michael Hun
Park, Shanlyn Alohakeao Souza
Parke, Benjamin
Parker, Barrington Daniels, Jr.
Parker, Barrington Daniels, Sr.
Parker, Fred I.
Parker, Isaac Charles
Parker, James Aubrey
Parker, John Johnston
Parker, John Victor
Parker, Linda Vivienne
Parker, Robert Manley
Parker, Thomas Lee Robinson
Parkinson, William Lynn
Parlange, Charles
Parris, Albion Keith
Parrish, Jill N.
Parsons, James Benton
Partridge, John Slater
Patel, Marilyn Hall
Paterson, William
Patterson, Robert Porter, Jr.
Patterson, Robert Porter, Sr.
Paul, Charles Ferguson
Paul, John
Paul, John, Jr.
Paul, Maurice Mitchell
Pauley, William H. III
Payne, Harry Vearle
Payne, James H.
Payne, Robert E.
Pearson, Benita Yalonda
Pechman, Marsha J.
Peck, Ebenezer
Peck, James Hawkins
Peck, John Weld
Peck, John Weld II
Peckham, Robert Francis
Peckham, Rufus Wheeler
Peelle, Stanton Judkins
Pell, Wilbur Frank, Jr.
Pence, Martin
Pendleton, Nathaniel
Pendleton, Philip Clayton
Penn, John Garrett
Pennell, Rebecca Louise
Pennington, William Sanford
Pennybacker, Isaac Samuels
Pepper, Pamela
Pepper, W. Allen, Jr.
Perez, Mia Roberts
Pérez, Myrna
Pérez-Giménez, Juan Manuel
Perry, April Michelle
Perry, Catherine D.
Perry, Joseph Samuel
Perry, Matthew James, Jr.
Pesquera, Hernan Gregorio
Peters, John Andrew
Peters, Richard
Peterson, James Donald
Peterson, Rosanna Malouf
Pettine, Raymond James
Pfaelzer, Mariana R.
Philips, John Finis
Phillips, Gregory Alan
Phillips, Harry
Phillips, James Dickson, Jr.
Phillips, Layn R.
Phillips, Mary Elizabeth
Phillips, Orie Leon
Phillips, Thomas W.
Phillips, Virginia A.
Phipps, Peter Joseph
Picard, Frank Albert
Pickering, Charles Willis, Sr.
Pickering, John
Pickett, John Coleman
Pieras, Jaime, Jr.
Pierce, Lawrence Warren
Piersol, Lawrence L.
Pillard, Cornelia Thayer Livingston
Pine, David Andrew
Pisano, Joel A.
Pitlyk, Sarah Elizabeth
Pitman, John
Pitman, Robert Lee
Pitney, Mahlon
Pittman, Mark Timothy
Pittman, Thomas Virgil
Pitts, Patrick Casey
Plager, S. Jay
Platt, Casper
Platt, James Perry
Platt, Thomas Collier, Jr.
Plummer, Raymond Eugene
Plunkett, Paul Edward
Pogue, Donald Carl
Pointer, Sam Clyde, Jr.
Politan, Nicholas H.
Politz, Henry Anthony
Pollack, Milton
Pollak, Louis Heilprin
Pollard, Robert Nelson
Pollock, John Calvin
Polozola, Frank Joseph
Polster, Dan A.
Ponsor, Michael Adrian
Poole, Cecil F.
Pooler, Rosemary S.
Poos, Omer
Pope, Nathaniel
Pope, Walter Lyndon
Pope, William Hayes
Porfilio, John Carbone
Port, Edmund
Porteous, G. Thomas, Jr.
Porter, David James
Porter, David Stewart
Porter, Donald James
Porter, Robert William
Porterie, Gaston Louis Noel
Posner, Richard Allen
Potter, Henry
Potter, John William
Potter, Robert Daniel
Powell, Charles Lawrence
Powell, Lewis Franklin, Jr.
Prado, Edward Charles
Pratt, George Cheney
Pratt, John Helm
Pratt, Philip
Pratt, Robert W.
Pratt, Tanya Walton
Pratter, Gene E.K.
Pray, Charles Nelson
Pregerson, Dean D.
Pregerson, Harry
Prentiss, Samuel
Preska, Loretta A.
Presnell, Gregory A.
Prettyman, Elijah Barrett
Preyer, Lunsford Richardson
Price, Edward Dean
Priest, Henry Samuel
Pritchard, Jeter Connelly
Pro, Philip Martin
Proctor, James McPherson
Proctor, R. David
Propst, Robert Bruce
Prost, Sharon
Provinzino, Laura Margarete
Pryor, Doris Lenea
Pryor, Jill Anne
Pryor, William Holcombe, Jr.
Pulliam, Jason Kenneth
Purdy, Milton Dwight
Purnell, Thomas Richard
Putnam, Richard Johnson
Putnam, William LeBaron