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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 195
D'Agostino, Mae Avila
Dallas, George Mifflin
Dallinger, Fredrick William
Dalton, Roy Bale, Jr.
Dalton, Ted
Daly, T. F. Gilroy
Dalzell, Stewart R.
Damian, Melissa
Damrell, Frank C., Jr.
Danaher, John Anthony
Daniel, Jeremy Christen
Daniel, Peter Vivian
Daniel, Wiley Young
Daniels, George B.
Daronco, Richard Joseph
Darr, Leslie Rogers
Darrah, John W.
Darrow, Sara Lynn
Daugherty, Frederick Alvin
Daughtrey, Martha Craig
Davenport, Sarah Morgan
Davidson, Glen H.
Davidson, Thomas Whitfield
Davies, Elmer David
Davies, John G.
Davies, Ronald Norwood
Davies, William
Davila, Edward John
Davis, Andre Maurice
Davis, Arthur Marshall
Davis, Brian Jordan
Davis, Charles B.
Davis, David
Davis, David Jackson
Davis, Edward Bertrand
Davis, John
Davis, John
Davis, John Chandler Bancroft
Davis, John Morgan
Davis, John Warren
Davis, Legrome D.
Davis, Leonard E.
Davis, Mark Steven
Davis, Michael James
Davis, Oscar Hirsh
Davis, Stephanie Dawkins
Davis, Thomas Hoyt
Davis, W. Eugene
Dawkins, Benjamin Cornwell, Jr.
Dawkins, Benjamin Cornwell, Sr.
Dawson, Archie Owen
Dawson, Charles I.
Dawson, Joseph III
Dawson, Kent J.
Dawson, Robert Toombs
Day, Edward William
Day, William Louis
Day, William Rufus
Dayton, Alston Gordon
de Alba, Ana Isabel
De Vries, Marion
Deady, Matthew Paul
DeAnda, James
DeArcy Hall, LaShann Moutique
Dearie, Raymond Joseph
Deaver, Bascom Sine
Debevoise, Dickinson Richards
Decker, Bernard Martin
DeClercq, Susan Kim
DeGiusti, Timothy D.
deGravelles, John Wheadon
DeGuilio, Jon Ernest
DeHaven, John Jefferson
Delahay, Mark W.
Delehant, John Wayne
Delgado Hernández, Pedro Alberto
Delgado-Colón, Aida M.
DeMascio, Robert Edward
DeMent, Ira
DeMoss, Harold R., Jr.
Denison, Arthur Carter
Denman, William
Denney, Robert Vernon
Dennis, James L.
Der-Yeghiayan, Samuel
Desai, Roopali H.
Desai, Sharad Harshad
DeVane, Dozier Adolphus
Dever, James C. III
Devine, Shane
Devitt, Edward James
Dewey, Charles Almon
Diamond, Gustave
Diamond, Paul Steven
Diaz, Albert
DiCarlo, Dominick L.
Dick, John
Dick, Robert Paine
Dick, Shelly Deckert
Dickerson, Mahlon
Dickerson, Philemon
Dickinson, Oliver Booth
DiClerico, Joseph A., Jr.
Dier, Richard A.
Dietrich, Frank Sigel
Dillin, Samuel Hugh
Dillon, Elizabeth Kay
Dillon, John Forrest
Dimitrouleas, William P.
Dimke, Mary Katherine
Dimmick, Carolyn R.
Dimock, Edward Jordan
Dishman, Jodi Warmbrod
Ditter, John William, Jr.
Dlott, Susan J.
Dobie, Armistead Mason
Dodge, Frederic
Doherty, Rebecca F.
Domenico, Daniel Desmond
Domínguez, Daniel R.
Donahue, Maurice H.
Donald, Bernice Bouie
Donato, James
Donlon, Mary Honor
Donnelly, Ann Marie
Donohoe, James A.
Donovan, Dennis Francis
Donworth, George
Dooley, Joseph Brannon
Dooley, Kari Anne
Dooling, John Francis, Jr.
Dooling, Maurice Timothy
Dorr, Richard Everett
Dorsey, Jennifer Anna
Dorsey, Peter Collins
Doty, David Singleton
Doughty, Terry Alvin
Douglas, Dana Marie
Douglas, William Orville
Doumar, Robert George
Dow, Robert Michael, Jr.
Dowd, David Dudley, Jr.
Dowdell, John Edward
Downes, William F.
Downey, George Eddy
Doyle, James Edward
Doyle, William Edward
Drain, Gershwin Allen
Drake, Charles Daniel
Drayton, John
Drayton, William
Drell, Dee D.
Driver, Samuel Marion
Droney, Christopher Fitzgerald
Drozd, Dale Alan
Druffel, John H.
Drummond, Thomas
Du, Miranda Mai
Duane, James
Dubina, Joel Fredrick
DuBois, Jan Ely
DuBose, Kristi
DuBose, Melissa Raye
Duckett, Allen Bowie
Duell, Charles Holland
Duff, Brian Barnett
Duffey, William S., Jr.
Duffy, Francis Ryan
Duffy, Kevin Thomas
Duffy, Patrick Michael
Dugan, David Wayne
Duggan, Patrick J.
Duhe, John Malcolm, Jr.
Dumbauld, Edward
Duncan, Allyson Kay
Duncan, Richard M.
Duncan, Robert Morton
Duncan, Stuart Kyle
Dundy, Elmer Scipio
Duniway, Benjamin Cushing
Dunlop, James
Duplantier, Adrian Guy
Dupree, Franklin Taylor, Jr.
Durell, Edward Henry
Durfee, James Randall
Durkin, Thomas Michael
Duval, Stanwood R., Jr.
DuVal, Thomas Howard
Duvall, Gabriel
Dwyer, William Lee
Dyer, Charles E.
Dyer, David Patterson
Dyer, David William
Dyer, John James
Dyk, Timothy B.