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Education Programs
The Center’s Education Division has primary responsibility for planning and producing educational programs and resources, but all parts of the Center contribute to its educational mission.
Programs and Resources for Judges
Newly confirmed district, bankruptcy, and magistrate judges are invited to a two-phase orientation program that covers such topics as judicial ethics, case management, pretrial and trial issues, evidence, judicial security, matters germane to their specific jurisdictions and roles, substantive law, and the effective use of technology. New court of appeals judges attend an orientation program that covers chambers and case management, judicial ethics, opinion writing and editing, wellness, and managing caseloads using information technology. Click the links below for descriptions of each program.
- Orientation for New U.S. District Judges
- Orientation for New U.S. Bankruptcy Judges
- Orientation for New U.S. Magistrate Judges
- Orientation for New U.S. Court of Appeals Judges
National and circuit-based workshops provide updates and continuing education on similar topics. Special-focus programs offer a deeper look at matters of particular interest, such as neuroscience, intellectual property, technology, managing complex litigation, electronic discovery, national security, and mediation. These workshops and seminars for judges are described at the links below.
- Circuit Workshops for U.S. Appellate and District Judges
- National Workshop for U.S. Bankruptcy Judges
- National Workshop for U.S. Magistrate Judges
- National Symposium for U.S. Court of Appeals Judges
- Special Focus Programs
From time to time, the Center provides an in-district program to address particular needs in that location or to enable the whole group of judges and/or affiliated stakeholders to receive training at one time. These programs are generally delivered on request. One such program is detailed below.
The Center regularly produces videos for judges and court attorneys on substantive legal topics. Videos are made available online for viewers to watch at their convenience. Some of the video programs the Center has produced include the following:
- Civil Rules Scenarios
- Criminal Justice Data Analytics
- Discretionary Conditions of Probation and Supervised Release
- Important Federal Trials (in cooperation with the Center’s History Office)
- Prison Litigation
- A Review of Eighth Circuit Bankruptcy Decisions
- A Review of Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Decisions
- Supreme Court: The Term in Review
The Center also hosts online forums that judges can use to share information related to their work. Users create new topics or post responses to existing topics on these message boards. An RSS feed or e-mail alert function enables users to monitor the content from particular posts, topics, or contributors. Forums primarily for judges center on the following topics:
- Appellate Best Practices
- Bankruptcy Best Practices
- District Best Practices
- Magistrate Judges Best Practices
- Patent Best Practices
- Reentry and Other Problem-Solving Courts Best Practices
Programs and Resources for Court Attorneys
The Center provides continuing education for attorneys employed by the courts: appellate staff attorneys, pro se and death penalty law clerks, chambers law clerks, and mediators. The Center regularly provides the programs listed below. (Click for a description of each program.)
- Byrne Judicial Clerkship Institute for Career Law Clerks
- Court Web Series
- Interactive Orientation for Federal Judicial Law Clerks
- National Conference for Pro Se Law Clerks
- National Workshop for Federal Court Mediators
The Center also hosts online forums that attorneys can use to share information related to their work. Users create new topics or post responses to existing topics on these message boards. An RSS feed or e-mail alert function enables users to monitor the content from particular posts, topics, or contributors. Forums primarily for attorneys focus on the following topics:
- Attorney Best Practices
- Court Libraries Discussion Forum
Programs and Resources for Federal Defenders
The Center provides education for federal defender staff in partnership with the Defender Services Office of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Programs planned for 2017 are listed below. (Click for a description of each program.)
- Appellate Writing Workshop for Federal Defenders
- National Conference for Federal Defender Capital Habeas Units
- National Seminar for Federal Defenders
- Orientation Seminar for Assistant Federal Defenders
Programs and Resources for Executives
The Center provides education that develops and strengthens the leadership and management skills and abilities of chief judges, court unit executives, and deputy court unit executives. Click for a description of programs for each group of executives.
- Programs for Chief Judges
- Programs for Court Unit Executives
- Programs for Deputy Court Unit Executives
- In Session: Leading the Judiciary Podcast (for all judiciary executives)
Programs and Resources for Supervisors and Managers
Education for supervisors and managers aims to help them develop and enhance the knowledge, skills, and attributes essential to their jobs. Summaries of each of these programs follow.
- Advanced Leadership Institute
- Dealing with Difficult Situations
- Making the Transition to Supervisor
- Management Development Program
- Managing Organizational Transition
- New Supervisors’ Development Program
- Performance Management in the Courts
- Preventing Workplace Harassment
- Workforce and Succession Planning
Programs and Resources for Experienced Probation and Pretrial Services Officers
The Center offers continuing education opportunities for officers who have completed the initial training sequence at the Federal Probation and Pretrial Academy provided by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Office of Probation and Pretrial Services. Individual officers may attend the programs available for all court employees described elsewhere, as well as programs tailored to meet particular needs related to the criminal justice aspects of probation and pretrial work. Programs offered for experienced probation and pretrial services officers are listed below. (Click for a description of each program.)
- Coaching for New Problem-Solving Courts
- Everyday Ethics: A Matter of Choice
- Off Paper: The Criminal Justice Podcast
- Quality Improvement in Federal Problem-Solving Courts
- Supervising U.S. Probation Officers in an Evidence-Based Environment
- Tailoring Justice: Science-Informed Decision Making
- Treatment Services: Negotiating Pathways and Supporting Successful Transitions
The Center also hosts online forums that officers can use to share information related to their work. Users create new topics or post responses to existing topics on these message boards. An RSS feed or e-mail alert function enables users to monitor the content from particular posts, topics, or contributors. Forums primarily for probation and pretrial services officers and court teams center on the following topics:
- Probation and Pretrial Services Officer Best Practices
- Reentry and Other Problem-Solving Courts Best Practices
Programs and Resources for All Court Employees
Education for court employees develops workplace competencies (knowledge, skills, and attributes) common to many positions in the courts regardless of specific job duties. Additional resources are designed to inform court employees about innovations and effective practices throughout the courts. A variety of programs available to court employees can be found below.
- Avoiding Ethics Pitfalls
- Chambers Online Automation Training
- Code of Conduct
- Court to Court Series
- Federal Court Leadership Development Program
- Inside the Federal Courts
- Introduction to Project Management
- Is It Legal Advice?
- Meet on Common Ground
- Personality Temperament Instrument
- Preventing Workplace Harassment
- Structured Writing
- Time Management
Programs and Resources for Trainers
Certain court staff serve as facilitators and coaches for Center-sponsored programs. The Center provides the educational programs and resources listed below to assist them in fulfilling these roles. (Click for a description of each program.)