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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 411
MacArthur, Arthur
MacBride, Thomas Jamison
Machrowicz, Thaddeus M.
Mack, Julian William
MacKenzie, John Ashton
MacKinnon, George Edward
MacLaughlin, Harry Hunter
MacMahon, Lloyd Francis
Madden, Joseph Warren
Madden, Thomas M.
Maddox, Matthew James
Magill, Charles
Magill, Frank J.
Magnus-Stinson, Jane Elizabeth
Magnuson, Paul Arthur
Magrath, Andrew Gordon
Magruder, Calvert
Mahan, James C.
Mahon, Eldon Brooks
Mahoney, John Christopher
Mahoney, John Daniel
Major, James Earl
Maldonado, Nancy Lee
Maletz, Herbert Naaman
Maloney, Paul Lewis
Maloney, Robert B.
Manasco, Anna Marie
Mandelbaum, Samuel
Manella, Nora Margaret
Manion, Daniel Anthony
Manning, Blanche M.
Mannion, Malachy Edward
Manos, John Michael
Mansfield, Walter Roe
Mansmann, Carol Los
Manton, Martin Thomas
Marbley, Algenon L.
Marchant, Henry
Marcus, Stanley
Mariani, Robert David
Maris, Albert Branson
Markey, Howard Thomas
Marks, Emily Coody
Marovich, George Michael
Marovitz, Abraham Lincoln
Marquez, Alfredo Chavez
Márquez, Rosemary
Marra, Kenneth A.
Marrero, Victor
Marsh, Malcolm Francis
Marsh, Rabe Ferguson, Jr.
Marshall, Consuelo Bland
Marshall, Denzil Price, Jr.
Marshall, James Markham
Marshall, John
Marshall, John Augustine
Marshall, Prentice Henry
Marshall, Thurgood
Marston, Karen Spencer
Marten, John Thomas
Martin, Beverly Baldwin
Martin, Boyce Ficklen, Jr.
Martin, George Ewing
Martin, Isaac Jack
Martin, James Loren
Martin, James Robert, Jr.
Martin, John Donelson, Sr.
Martin, John S., Jr.
Martineau, John Ellis
Martinez, Angela Marie
Martinez, Jose E.
Martinez, Philip Ray
Martinez, Ricardo S.
Martinez, William Joseph
Martinez-Olguin, Araceli
Martini, William J.
Martinotti, Brian R.
Martone, Frederick J.
Marvin, William
Mason, John Young
Masterson, Thomas Ambrose
Mastroianni, Mark Gerald
Matey, Paul Brian
Mathes, William Carey
Matheson, Scott Milne, Jr.
Mathews, Clifton
Mathis, Andre Bernard
Matia, Paul Ramon
Matsch, Richard Paul
Matsumoto, Kiyo A.
Matthes, Marion Charles
Matthews, Burnita Shelton
Matthews, Stanley
Mattice, Harry Sandlin, Jr.
Matz, A. Howard
Mauskopf, Roslynn Renee
Maxey, Thomas Shelton
Maxwell, Robert Earl
May, Leigh Martin
Mayer, Haldane Robert
Mayer, Julius Marshuetz
Mays, Samuel H., Jr.
Maze, Corey Landon
Mazzant, Amos Louis III
Mazzone, A. David
McAllister, Matthew Hall
McAllister, Thomas Francis
McAuliffe, Steven J.
McAvoy, Thomas James
McBryde, John H.
McCafferty, Landya B.
McCaleb, Theodore Howard
McCall, John Ethridge
McCalla, Jon Phipps
McCamant, Wallace
McCandless, Wilson
McCarthy, James William
McCarthy, William T.
McCay, Henry Kent
McClelland, Charles Paul
McClintic, George Warwick
McClung, William
McClure, James Focht, Jr.
McColloch, Claude Charles
McComas, Louis Emory
McConnell, John James, Jr.
McConnell, Michael W.
McCord, Leon Clarence
McCormick, Andrew Phelps
McCormick, Paul John
McCoy, Walter Irving
McCrary, George Washington
McCree, Wade Hampton, Jr.
McCune, Barron Patterson
McCurn, Neal Peters
McCuskey, Michael Patrick
McDade, Joe Billy
McDermott, George Thomas
McDonald, Alan Angus
McDonald, David
McDonald, Gabrielle Anne Kirk
McDonough, Travis Randall
McDowell, Henry Clay
McDuffie, John
McElroy, Mary Susan
McEntee, Edward Matthew
McFadden, Frank Hampton
McFadden, Trevor Neil
McFarland, Matthew Walden
McGarr, Frank James
McGarraghy, Joseph Charles
McGee, John Franklin
McGlynn, Joseph Leo, Jr.
McGlynn, Stephen Patrick
McGohey, John F. X.
McGovern, Walter Thomas
McGowan, Carl E.
McGranery, James Patrick
McGuire, Matthew Francis
McHugh, Carolyn Baldwin
McHugh, Gerald Austin, Jr.
McHugh, William Douglas
McIlvaine, John Wilson
McIntosh, McQueen
McKay, Monroe G.
McKeague, David William
McKee, Theodore Alexander
McKeehan, Charles Louis
McKelvie, Roderick R.
McKenna, Joseph
McKenna, Lawrence M.
McKennan, William
McKeown, M. Margaret
McKibben, Howard D.
McKinley, John
McKinley, Joseph H., Jr.
McKinney, John
McKinney, Larry J.
McKnight, H[arold] Brent
McLaren, Richard Wellington
McLaughlin, Charles Francis
McLaughlin, Gerald
McLaughlin, Joseph Michael
McLaughlin, Linda Hodge
McLaughlin, Mary A.
McLaughlin, Sean J.
McLean, Edward Cochrane
McLean, John
McLellan, Hugh Dean
McMahon, Colleen
McManus, Edward Joseph
McMillan, James Bryan
McMillan, Robert Johnston
McMillen, Thomas Roberts
McMillian, Theodore
McMillion, Brandy Renée
McNagny, Phil McClellan, Jr.
McNairy, John
McNamara, A. J.
McNamee, Charles Joseph
McNamee, Stephen M.
McNary, John Hugh
McNaught, John Joseph
McNeel, Taylor Brantley
McNichols, Raymond Clyne
McNichols, Robert James
McNulty, Kevin
McPherson, John Bayard
McPherson, Smith
McQuade, Richard B., Jr.
McRae, Robert Malcolm, Jr.
McRae, William Allan, Jr.
McReynolds, James Clark
McShane, Michael Jerome
McVerry, Terrence F.
McVicar, Nelson
McWilliams, Robert Hugh, Jr.
Meaney, Thomas Francis
Meanor, Henry Curtis
Means, Terry R.
Mechem, Edwin Leard
Medina, Harold Raymond
Meek, Edward Roscoe
Meekins, Isaac Melson
Mehaffy, Pat
Mehalchick, Karoline
Mehrtens, William Osborne
Mehta, Amit Priyavadan
Melancon, Tucker L.
Melgren, Eric F.
Mellott, Arthur Johnson
Melloy, Michael Joseph
Melton, Howell Webster, Sr.
Menashi, Steven James
Mencer, Glenn Everell
Mendez, John A.
Méndez-Miró, Gina Raquel
Mendoza, Carlos Eduardo
Mendoza, Salvador, Jr.
Menendez, Katherine Marie
Mentz, Henry Alvan, Jr.
Mercer, Frederick Olen
Merchant, Orelia Eleta
Meredith, James Hargrove
Meredith, Ronald Edward
Merhige, Robert Reynold, Jr.
Merle, Natasha Clarise
Merriam, Sarah Ann Leilani
Merrick, William Matthews
Merrill, Charles Merton
Merritt, Gilbert Stroud, Jr.
Merryday, Steven Douglas
Meskill, Thomas Joseph
Messitte, Peter Jo
Metzner, Charles Miller
Meyer, Jeffrey Alker
Michael, James Harry, Jr.
Michael, M. Blane
Michel, Paul Redmond
Michelson, Laurie Jill
Michie, Thomas Johnson
Mickelson, George Theodore
Mickle, Stephan P.
Middlebrooks, David Lycurgus, Jr.
Middlebrooks, Donald M.
Mihm, Michael Martin
Mikva, Abner Joseph
Milazzo, Jane Margaret Triche
Milburn, Herbert Theodore
Miles, Wendell Alverson
Miles-LaGrange, Vicki
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Andrew Galbraith
Miller, Brian Stacy
Miller, Eric David
Miller, Gray Hampton
Miller, Jack Richard
Miller, James Rogers, Jr.
Miller, Jeffrey T.
Miller, John Elvis
Miller, John Lester
Miller, Justin
Miller, Robert Lowell, Jr.
Miller, Samuel Freeman
Miller, Shackelford, Jr.
Miller, Walker David
Miller, Wilbur Kingsbury
Miller, William Ernest
Millett, Patricia Ann
Milligan, Samuel
Mills, Michael P.
Mills, Richard Henry
Minaldi, Patricia Head
Miner, Julius Howard
Miner, Roger Jeffrey
Minton, Sherman
Mishler, Jacob
Mitchell, George John
Mitchell, Lansing Leroy
Mize, Sidney Carr
Mizelle, Kathryn Kimball
Modarelli, Alfred Egidio
Moinet, Edward Julien
Mollison, Irvin Charles
Molloy, Donald W.
Mollway, Susan Oki
Molyneaux, Joseph West
Monroe, Thomas Bell
Montalvo, Frank
Montecalvo, Lara Elizabeth
Montenegro, Ruth Bermudez
Montgomery, Ann D.
Montgomery, Martin V.
Montgomery, Robert Morris
Montgomery-Reeves, Tamika Renee
Moody, James Maxwell
Moody, James Maxwell, Jr.
Moody, James S., Jr.
Moody, James Tyne
Moody, William Henry
Moon, Norman K.
Moore, Alfred
Moore, Ben
Moore, George
Moore, John Henry II
Moore, Karen Nelson
Moore, Kevin Michael
Moore, Kimberly Ann
Moore, Leonard Page
Moore, Raymond Paul
Moore, William Theodore, Jr.
Moorer, Terry Fitzgerald
Moorman, Charles Harwood
Morales, David Steven
Moran, James Byron
Mordue, Norman A.
Moreno, Carlos R.
Moreno, Federico A.
Morgan, Henry Coke, Jr.
Morgan, Justin Colfax
Morgan, Lewis Render
Morgan, Robert Dale
Morgan, Susie
Moritz, Nancy Louise
Morrill, Amos
Morrill, Mendon
Morris, Brian Matthew
Morris, George Franklin
Morris, Hugh Martin
Morris, James Ward
Morris, Joseph Wilson
Morris, Martin Ferdinand
Morris, Page
Morris, Robert
Morris, Thomas John
Morrison, Nina Rauh
Morrison, Sarah Daggett
Morrow, Margaret M.
Morrow, William W.
Morsell, James Sewall
Morton, James Madison, Jr.
Morton, Leland Clure
Moscowitz, Grover M.
Moses, Alia
Moskowitz, Barry Ted
Mosman, Michael W.
Moss, John McKenzie
Moss, Randolph Daniel
Motley, Constance Baker
Motz, Diana Jane Gribbon
Motz, J. Frederick
Moye, Charles Allen, Jr.
Moynahan, Bernard Thomas, Jr.
Muecke, Charles Andrew
Mueller, Kimberly Jo
Muir, Malcolm
Mukasey, Michael B.
Mullen, Graham Calder
Mulligan, William Hughes
Mullins, Clarence H.
Munger, Thomas Charles
Munger, William Henry
Munley, James Martin
Munley, Julia Kathleen
Munson, Howard G.
Murguia, Carlos
Murguia, Mary Helen
Murillo, Serena Raquel
Murnaghan, Francis Dominic, Jr.
Murphree, Thomas Alexander
Murphy, Brian Edward
Murphy, Diana E.
Murphy, Edward Preston
Murphy, Eric Earl
Murphy, Frank
Murphy, G. Patrick
Murphy, Harold Loyd
Murphy, John Frank
Murphy, John William
Murphy, Michael R.
Murphy, Stephen Joseph III
Murphy, Thomas Francis
Murrah, Alfred Paul
Murray, Frank Jerome
Murray, Herbert Frazier
Murray, William Daniel
Murtha, John Garvan
Musgrave, R. Kenton
Myers, Francis Kerschner
Myers, Richard Ernest II
Myerscough, Sue Ellen