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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 190
La Plata, George
LaBuy, Walter J.
Lacey, Frederick Bernard
Lacombe, Emile Henry
Laffitte, Héctor Manuel
Lagoa, Barbara
Lagueux, Ronald Rene
Lake, Simeon Timothy III
Lamar, Joseph Rucker
Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus
Lambdin, William Wallace
Lamberth, Royce C.
Lambros, Thomas Demetrios
Lancaster, Gary L.
Land, Clay D.
Landis, Frederick
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain
Lane, Arthur Stephen
Lane, Donald Edward
Lane, George Washington
Lange, Roberto Antonio
Langley, Orville Edwin
Lanham, Krissa Marie
Lanning, William Mershon
Lanthier, Mary Kay
Lanza, Dominic William
Laplante, Joseph Normand
Laramore, Don Nelson
Larimer, David G.
Larkins, John Davis, Jr.
Laroski, Joseph A., Jr.
Larsen, Joan Louise
Larson, Earl Richard
Larson, Stephen G.
Lasker, Morris Edward
Lasnik, Robert S.
Latchum, James Levin
Lauck, M[ary] Hannah
Laughrey, Nanette Kay
Laurance, John
Law, Richard
Lawless, Colleen Rae
Lawrence, Alexander Atkinson, Jr.
Lawrence, Charles Drummond
Lawrence, Philip Kissick
Lawrence, William T.
Laws, Bolitha James
Lawson, David M.
Lawson, Hugh
Lay, Donald Pomery
Layton, Caleb Rodney III
Lazzara, Richard A.
Leahy, Edward Lawrence
Leahy, Paul Conway
Leamy, James Patrick
Leavitt, Humphrey Howe
Leavy, Charles Henry
Leavy, Edward
Lechner, Alfred James, Jr.
Leddy, Bernard Joseph
Lederle, Arthur F.
Lee, Donald John
Lee, Elmo Pearce
Lee, Eumi Kim
Lee, Eunice Cheryl
Lee, Gerald Bruce
Lee, John Zihun
Lee, Kenneth Kiyul
Lee, Thomas
Lee, Tom Stewart
Lee, William Charles
Leeson, Joseph F., Jr.
Lefkow, Joan Humphrey
Legg, Benson Everett
Legge, Charles A.
Leibell, Vincent L.
Leibowitz, David Seymour
Leichty, Damon Ray
Leighton, George Neves
Leighton, Ronald B.
Leinenweber, Harry Daniel
Leisure, Peter Keeton
Leitman, Matthew Frederick
Lemelle, Ivan L. R.
Lemley, Harry Jacob
Lemmon, Dal Millington
Lemmon, Mary Ann Vial
Lenard, Joan A.
Lenroot, Irvine Luther
Leon, Richard J.
Leonard, Timothy D.
Letts, Fred Dickinson
Letts, Ira Lloyd
Letts, J[ohn] Spencer
Leval, Pierre Nelson
Leventhal, Harold
Levet, Richard Harrington
Levi, David F.
Levin, Gerald Sanford
Levin, Theodore
Levy, Jon David
Levy, Judith Ellen
Lew, Ronald S. W.
Lewis, David Thomas
Lewis, Mary Geiger
Lewis, Oren Ritter
Lewis, Robert E.
Lewis, Timothy K.
Lewis, William
Liburdi, Michael Thomas
Lieb, Joseph Patrick
Lifland, John C.
Liman, Lewis Jeffrey
Limbaugh, Stephen Nathaniel
Limbaugh, Stephen Nathaniel, Jr.
Lin, Rita Faye
Lin, Tana
Linares, Jose L.
Lindberg, George Wakem
Lindberg, William James
Lindley, Walter C.
Lindsay, Reginald C.
Lindsay, Sam A.
Ling, David W.
Linn, Richard
Lioi, Sara Elizabeth
Lipez, Kermit Victor
Lipman, Sheryl Halle
Lisi, Mary M.
Little, F. A., Jr.
Littleton, Benjamin Horsley
Livaudais, Marcel, Jr.
Lively, Pierce
Livingston, Debra Ann
Livingston, Henry Brockholst
Locher, Stephen Henley
Lochren, William
Locke, James William
Lodge, Edward J.
Logan, James Kenneth
Logan, Steven Paul
Lohier, Raymond Joseph, Jr.
Loken, James B.
Long, Augustus V.
Long, Brandon Scott
Longobardi, Joseph J.
Longstaff, Ronald Earl
Longyear, John Wesley
Lopez, Linda
Lord, John Whitaker, Jr.
Lord, Joseph Simon III
Lord, Miles Welton
Lorenz, M. James
Loring, Edward Greely
Louderback, Harold
Loughlin, Martin Francis
Lourie, Alan David
Love, James M.
Lovell, Charles C.
Lovett, Archibald Battle
Lowe, Mary Johnson
Lowell, Francis Cabot
Lowell, James Arnold
Lowell, John
Lowell, John
Lozano, Rodolfo
Lucas, Malcolm Millar
Lucero, Carlos F.
Luck, Robert Joshua
Ludington, Thomas Lamson
Ludwig, Brett Harry
Ludwig, Edmund V.
Luhring, Oscar Raymond
Lumbard, Joseph Edward
Lumpkin, Alva Moore
Lund, Gretchen Suzanne
Lungstrum, John Watson
Luongo, Alfred Leopold
Lurton, Horace Harmon
Luse, Claude Zeth
Luttig, J. Michael
Lydick, Lawrence Tupper
Lydon, Sherri Allen
Lynch, Charles Francis
Lynch, Eugene F.
Lynch, Gerard E.
Lynch, Sandra Lea
Lynch, William Joseph
Lynn, Barbara M.
Lynne, Seybourn Harris