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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 404
Babcock, Lewis Thornton
Bacharach, Robert Edwin
Badalamenti, John Leonard
Bade, Bridget Shelton
Baer, Harold, Jr.
Baggio, Amy Margaret
Bailey, John Preston
Bailey, Thomas Jennings
Baird, Lourdes Gillespie
Baker, Francis Elisha
Baker, Harold Albert
Baker, John Harris
Baker, Kristine Gerhard
Baker, M. Miller
Baker, R. Stan
Baker, William Eli
Baldock, Bobby Ray
Baldwin, Alexander White
Baldwin, Henry
Baldwin, James Harris
Baldwin, Phillip Benjamin
Ballantine, Thomas Austin, Jr.
Ballard, Bland
Ballou, Robert Stewart
Baltzell, Robert C.
Barbadoro, Paul J.
Barber, Orion Metcalf
Barber, Thomas Patrick
Barbier, Carl J.
Barbour, Philip Pendleton
Barbour, William Henry, Jr.
Bard, Guy Kurtz
Barker, J. Campbell
Barker, Pamela Ann
Barker, Sarah Evans
Barker, William Julius
Barkett, Rosemary
Barksdale, Alfred Dickinson
Barksdale, Rhesa Hawkins
Barlow, David Bruce
Barlow, George Herbert
Barnard, Job
Barnes, David Leonard
Barnes, Harry F.
Barnes, John Peter
Barnes, Stanley Nelson
Barnett, Mark Allen
Barney, Samuel Stebbins
Barr, John Watson
Barrett, Amy Coney
Barrett, James Emmett
Barrett, Michael Ryan
Barrett, William Hale
Barron, David Jeremiah
Barrow, Allen Edward
Barry, Maryanne Trump
Bartels, John Ries
Bartle, Harvey III
Bartlett, D. Brook
Barzilay, Judith Morgenstern
Bashant, Cynthia Ann
Bassett, Richard
Bassler, William G.
Bastian, Stanley Allen
Bastian, Walter Maximillian
Bataillon, Joseph F.
Batchelder, Alice Moore
Bates, John D.
Battaglia, Anthony Joseph
Battani, Marianne O.
Batten, Timothy C., Sr.
Battey, Richard Howard
Battin, James Franklin
Battisti, Frank Joseph
Batts, Deborah A.
Batts, Robert Lynn
Bauer, William Joseph
Bauman, Arnold
Baxter, John
Baxter, Susan Paradise
Baylson, Michael M.
Bazelon, David L.
Bazis, Susan Mason
Bea, Carlos T.
Beam, C[larence] Arlen
Beamer, George N.
Bean, Robert Sharp
Beaton, Benjamin Joel
Beattie, Charlton Reid
Beatty, James Helmick
Beatty, William Louis
Beaty, James A., Jr.
Beaumont, Campbell Eben
Beaverstock, Jeffrey Uhlman
Becerra, Jacqueline
Bechtle, Louis Charles
Beck, Axel John
Becker, Edward Roy
Becker, William Henry
Beckering, Jane Marie
Beckwith, Sandra Shank
Beckworth, Lindley Garrison, Sr.
Bedford, Gunning, Jr.
Bee, Thomas
Beeks, William Trulock
Beer, Peter Hill
Beetlestone, Wendy
Beezer, Robert R.
Behm, Frances Kay
Beistline, Ralph R.
Belew, David Owen, Jr.
Bell, Griffin Boyette
Bell, J. Spencer
Bell, Kenneth Davis, Sr.
Bell, Robert Cook
Bell, Robert Holmes
Bell, Samuel H.
Bellinger, Charles Byron
Belloni, Robert Clinton
Belot, Monti L.
Benavides, Fortunato Pedro
Bencivengo, Cathy Ann
Benedict, Charles Linnaeus
Benitez, Roger T.
Benjamin, DeAndrea Gist
Bennett, Alfred Homer
Bennett, Marion Tinsley
Bennett, Mark Jeremy
Bennett, Mark W.
Bennett, Richard D.
Benson, Dee Vance
Benson, Egbert
Benson, Paul
Benton, William Duane
Berg, Terrence George
Berger, Irene Cornelia
Berger, Wendy Williams
Berman, Richard M.
Bernal, Jesus Gilberto
Berner, Nicole Gina
Berrigan, Helen Ginger
Bertelsman, William Odis
Berzon, Marsha Siegel
Besosa, Francisco Augusto
Bethea, Solomon Hicks
Betts, Samuel Rossiter
Bianco, Joseph Frank
Bibas, Stephanos
Bicks, Alexander
Biddle, Francis
Biery, Samuel Frederick, Jr.
Biggers, Neal Brooks, Jr.
Biggs, Asa
Biggs, John, Jr.
Biggs, Loretta Copeland
Bilby, Richard Mansfield
Billings, Edward Coke
Billings, Franklin S., Jr.
Bingham, Edward Franklin
Bingham, George Hutchins
Birch, Stanley F., Jr.
Birotte, Andre, Jr.
Bissell, Jean Galloway
Bissell, John Winslow
Bissoon, Cathy
Biunno, Vincent Pasquale
Black, Bruce D.
Black, Hugo Lafayette
Black, Lloyd Llewellyn
Black, Norman William
Black, Susan Harrell
Black, Timothy Seymour
Black, Walter Evan, Jr.
Blackburn, Robert E.
Blackburn, Sharon Lovelace
Blackford, Isaac Newton
Blackmun, Harry Andrew
Blackwell, Jerry Wayne
Blair, Charles Stanley
Blair, John, Jr.
Blake, Catherine C.
Blakey, John Robert
Bland, Oscar Edward
Bland, Theodorick
Blatchford, Samuel M.
Blatt, Solomon, Jr.
Bledsoe, Benjamin Franklin
Bloch, Alan Neil
Block, Frederic
Blodgett, Henry Williams
Bloom, Beth Francine
Bloomekatz, Rachel Sarah
Blumenfeld, Mosher Joseph
Blumenfeld, Stanley, Jr.
Boardman, Deborah Lynn
Boarman, Alexander
Boasberg, James Emanuel
Bodine, Joseph Lamb
Body, Ralph C.
Boe, Nils Andreas
Boggs, Danny Julian
Bogue, Andrew Wendell
Bohanon, Luther Lee
Bolden, Victor Allen
Boldt, George Hugo
Bolton, Susan Ritchie
Bond, Hugh Lennox
Bondy, William
Bone, Homer Truett
Bonner, Robert C.
Bonsal, Dudley Baldwin
Boochever, Robert
Boom, Claria Horn
Booth, Fenton Whitlock
Booth, Wilbur Franklin
Bootle, William Augustus
Borah, Wayne G.
Boreman, Herbert Stephenson
Bork, Robert Heron
Borman, Paul D.
Boudin, Michael
Bough, Stephen Rogers
Boulee, Jean-Paul
Boulware, Richard Franklin II
Bourne, Benjamin
Bourquin, George M.
Bowdre, Karon O.
Bowen, Dudley Hollingsworth, Jr.
Bowen, John Clyde
Bowman, Pasco Middleton II
Bownes, Hugh Henry
Boyce, Henry
Boyd, James Edmund
Boyd, Marion Speed
Boyko, Christopher A.
Boyle, Edward James, Sr.
Boyle, Francis Joseph
Boyle, Jane J.
Boyle, John
Boyle, Patricia Jean Ehrhardt Pernick
Boyle, Terrence William
Boynton, Charles Albert
Boynton, Thomas Jefferson
Brack, Robert C.
Bradford, Edward Green
Bradford, Edward Green II
Bradley, Andrew Coyle
Bradley, Joseph P.
Brady, Holly Ann
Brady, James J.
Brailsford, Amanda Kathleen
Bramlette, David C.
Bramwell, Henry
Branch, Elizabeth Lee
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz
Brann, Matthew William
Brasel, Nancy Ellen
Brasher, Andrew Lynn
Bratcher, Clifton Rhodes
Bratton, Howard C.
Bratton, Sam Gilbert
Brawley, William Hiram
Brearley, David
Bredar, James Kelleher
Breen, J. Daniel
Breitenstein, Jean Sala
Brennan, Bridget Meehan
Brennan, Michael Brian
Brennan, Stephen W.
Brennan, William Joseph, Jr.
Bress, Daniel Aaron
Brett, Thomas Rutherford
Brewer, David Josiah
Brewster, Elisha Hume
Brewster, Leo
Brewster, Rudi M.
Breyer, Charles R.
Breyer, Stephen Gerald
Briccetti, Vincent Louis
Brieant, Charles L., Jr.
Briggle, Charles Guy
Bright, John
Bright, Myron H.
Brimmer, Clarence Addison, Jr.
Brimmer, Philip A.
Brindisi, Anthony Joseph
Brinkema, Leonie M.
Briones, David
Brisco, Cristal C.
Briscoe, Mary Beck
Bristol, William
Britt, William Earl
Brnovich, Susan Marie
Broaddus, Bower Slack
Broadwater, W. Craig
Brockenbrough, John White
Broderick, Raymond Joseph
Broderick, Vernon Speede
Broderick, Vincent Lyons
Brodie, Margo Kitsy
Brody, Anita Blumstein
Brody, Morton Aaron
Bronson, Isaac Hopkins
Brookman, Matthew Paul
Brooks, Gene Edward
Brooks, George Washington
Brooks, Henry Luesing
Brooks, Timothy Lloyd
Broomes, John Wesley
Broomfield, Robert Cameron
Brorby, Wade
Brotman, Stanley Seymour
Brown, Ada Elene
Brown, Addison
Brown, Anna J.
Brown, Arthur Lewis
Brown, Bailey
Brown, Debra Marie
Brown, Garrett E., Jr.
Brown, Gary Richard
Brown, George Stewart
Brown, Henry Billings
Brown, Janice Rogers
Brown, Jeffrey Vincent
Brown, John Robert
Brown, Michael Lawrence
Brown, Morgan Welles
Brown, Nannette Jolivette
Brown, Paul Neeley
Brown, Robert Lewis, Sr.
Brown, Wesley Ernest
Browning, James O.
Browning, James Robert
Browning, William Docker
Bruce, Colin Stirling
Bruce, John
Bruchhausen, Walter
Brunetti, Melvin T.
Bryan, Albert Vickers
Bryan, Albert Vickers, Jr.
Bryan, Frederick van Pelt
Bryan, George Seabrook
Bryan, Jeffrey Marc
Bryan, Nathan Philemon
Bryan, Robert Jensen
Bryant, David Ezekiel
Bryant, Frederick Howard
Bryant, Randolph
Bryant, Vanessa Lynne
Bryant, William Benson
Bryson, William Curtis
Bua, Nicholas John
Buchmeyer, Jerry
Buchwald, Naomi Reice
Bucklew, Susan C.
Buckley, James Lane
Bucklo, Elaine E.
Buckwalter, Ronald Lawrence
Bue, Carl Olaf, Jr.
Buescher, Brian Craig
Buffington, Joseph
Bullock, Frank William, Jr.
Bullock, Jonathan Russell
Bulsara, Sanket Jayshukh
Bumatay, Patrick Joseph
Bumb, Renée Marie
Bunn, Romanzo
Bunning, David L.
Bunton, Lucius Desha III
Burciaga, Juan Guerrero
Burger, Warren Earl
Burgess, Franklin D.
Burgess, Timothy Mark
Burke, Harold P.
Burke, Liles Clifton
Burke, Lloyd Hudson
Burns, Ellen Bree
Burns, James Milton
Burns, Larry Alan
Burns, Louis Henry
Burns, Owen McIntosh
Burns, Waller Thomas
Burrage, Billy Michael
Burrell, Garland Ellis, Jr.
Burroughs, Allison Dale
Burrows, Warren Booth
Burton, Harold Hitz
Bury, David C.
Bush, John Kenneth
Busteed, Richard
Butler, Algernon Lee
Butler, Charles Randolph, Jr.
Butler, Pierce
Butler, William
Buttram, H. Dean, Jr.
Butzner, John Decker, Jr.
Bybee, Jay S.
Bye, Kermit Edward
Byers, Mortimer W.
Byrd, Charles Willing
Byrne, William Matthew, Jr.
Byrne, William Matthew, Sr.
Byrnes, James Francis
Byron, Paul Gregory