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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 325
Cabot, Ted
Cabranes, José Alberto
Cacheris, James Chris
Cadwalader, John
Caffey, Francis Gordon
Caffrey, Andrew Augustine
Cahill, Clyde S., Jr.
Cahn, Edward Norman
Caillouet, Adrian Joseph
Cain, James David, Jr.
Cain, Timothy Martin
Calabrese, J. Philip
Calabresi, Guido
Calabretta, Daniel Joe Powell
Caldwell, Alexander
Caldwell, Henry Clay
Caldwell, Karen K.
Caldwell, William W.
Call, Rhydon Mays
Callahan, Consuelo Maria
Callister, Marion Jones
Calvert, Victoria Marie
Cambridge, William G.
Cameron, Benjamin Franklin
Camp, Jack Tarpley, Jr.
Campbell, David G.
Campbell, Edward Kernan
Campbell, John Archibald
Campbell, John Wilson
Campbell, Levin Hicks
Campbell, Marcus Beach
Campbell, Ralph E.
Campbell, Tena
Campbell, Todd J.
Campbell, William Joseph
Campbell, William Lynn, Jr.
Campos, Santiago E.
Canby, William Cameron, Jr.
Cancio, Hiram Rafael
Cannella, John Matthew
Cannon, Aileen Mercedes
Cant, William Alexander
Caproni, Valerie Elaine
Caputo, A. Richard
Cardamone, Richard J.
Cardone, Kathleen
Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan
Carland, John Emmett
Carman, Gregory Wright
Carnes, Edward Earl
Carnes, Julie E.
Carney, Cormac J.
Carney, Susan Laura
Carpenter, George Albert
Carpenter, George Moulton
Carr, Charles Hardy
Carr, George Carter
Carr, James G.
Carr, Patrick Eugene
Carreño-Coll, Silvia Luisa
Carrigan, James R.
Carroll, Earl Hamblin
Carson, Joel McElroy III
Carswell, George Harrold
Carter, Andrew Lamar, Jr.
Carter, David O.
Carter, Gene
Carter, James Marshall
Carter, Oliver Jesse
Carter, Robert Lee
Cartter, David Kellogg
Cartwright, Tiffany Mae
Casellas, Salvador E.
Casey, Joseph
Casey, Richard Conway
Cashin, John M.
Casper, Denise Jefferson
Cassell, Paul G.
Cassibry, Fred James
Castagna, William John
Castel, P. Kevin
Castillo, Rubén
Castle, Latham
Castner, Georgette
Catron, John
Caulfield, Barbara A.
Cauthron, Robin J.
Cavanah, Charles Cheatham
Cavanaugh, Dennis M.
Cebull, Richard F.
Cecchi, Claire Claudia
Cecil, Lamar John Ryan
Cecil, Lester LeFevre
Cedarbaum, Miriam Goldman
Celebrezze, Anthony Joseph
Cercone, David S.
Cerezo, Carmen Consuelo
Chagares, Michael A.
Chambers, Richard Harvey
Chambers, Robert Charles
Chandler, Stephen Sanders, Jr.
Chang, Edmond E-Min
Chapman, Robert Foster
Chappell, Sheri Polster
Chasanow, Deborah K.
Chase, Harrie Brigham
Chase, Salmon Portland
Chase, Samuel
Chatfield, Thomas
Chatigny, Robert N.
Cheeks, Benjamin Jerome
Chen, Edward Milton
Chen, Pamela Ki Mai
Chen, Raymond T.
Cheney, John Moses
Chertoff, Michael
Chesler, Stanley R.
Chesney, Maxine M.
Chesnut, William Calvin
Chhabria, Vince Girdhari
Childs, Julianna Michelle
Chilson, Olin Hatfield
Chin, Denny
Chipman, Nathaniel
Choate, Emett Clay
Choate, William Gardner
Cholakis, Con. G.
Choudhury, Nusrat Jahan
Choy, Herbert Young Cho
Christen, Morgan
Christenberry, Herbert William
Christensen, Albert Sherman
Christensen, Dana Lewis
Christie, Sidney Lee
Chuang, Theodore David
Chun, John Hyungseung
Chung, Cindy Kyounga
Churchill, James Paul
Chutkan, Tanya Sue
Cindrich, Robert J.
Cire, George Edward
Clabaugh, Harry M.
Claiborne, Harry E.
Clancy, John William
Clarie, T. Emmet
Clark, Bennett Champ
Clark, Charles
Clark, Charles Dickens
Clark, Charles Edward
Clark, Chase Addison
Clark, Daniel
Clark, Ron
Clark, Russell Gentry
Clark, Stephen Robert, Sr.
Clark, Thomas Alonzo
Clark, Tom C.
Clark, William
Clarke, Jessica Gloria Lynn
Clarke, John Hessin
Clarke, Joseph Calvitt, Jr.
Clarke, Thurmond
Clary, Thomas James
Clay, Eric L.
Clay, Joseph, Jr.
Clayton, Claude Feemster
Clayton, Henry De Lamar
Cleland, Robert Hardy
Clement, Edith Brown
Clemon, U. W.
Clevenger, Raymond Charles III
Clevert, Charles N., Jr.
Cliffe, Adam C.
Clifford, John David, Jr.
Clifford, Nathan
Clifton, Richard R.
Cline, Genevieve Rose
Coar, David H.
Cobb, Howell
Cobb, Jia Michelle
Cochran, Andrew McConnell January
Cochran, Ernest Ford
Coffey, John Louis
Coffin, Frank Morey
Coffman, Jennifer B.
Coffrin, Albert Wheeler
Cogan, Brian Mark
Cogburn, Max Oliver, Jr.
Coggins, Deena Michaela
Coggins, Donald Cecil, Jr.
Cohen, Mark Howard
Cohen, Mitchell Harry
Cohill, Maurice Blanchard, Jr.
Cohn, Avern Levin
Cohn, James I.
Cole, Charles Cleaves
Cole, Douglas Russell
Cole, Ransey Guy, Jr.
Cole, William Purrington
Coleman, Frank Joseph
Coleman, James Plemon
Coleman, Sharon Johnson
Coleman, William Caldwell
Collet, John Caskie
Collier, Curtis Lynn
Collier, Lacey A.
Collins, Audrey B.
Collins, Daniel Paul
Collins, Linton McGee
Collins, Raner Christercunean
Collins, Robert Frederick
Collinson, William Robert
Colloton, Steven M.
Collyer, Rosemary M.
Colt, LeBaron Bradford
Colville, Robert John
Combs, Bertram Thomas
Comiskey, James August
Conaboy, Richard Paul
Conboy, Kenneth
Conger, Abraham Benjamin
Conger, Edward A.
Conkling, Alfred
Conley, William Martin
Conlon, Suzanne B.
Conmy, Patrick Anthony
Connally, Ben Clarkson
Connell, James C.
Conner, Christopher C.
Conner, William Curtis
Connolly, Colm Felix
Connor, Aloysius Joseph
Connor, Henry Groves
Conrad, Glen Edward
Conrad, Robert James, Jr.
Conti, Joy Flowers
Conti, Samuel
Contie, Leroy John, Jr.
Contreras, Rudolph
Conway, Anne C.
Conway, Byron Browning
Conway, John Edwards
Coogler, L. Scott
Cook, Deborah L.
Cook, Harold Dale
Cook, Julian Abele, Jr.
Cooke, Marcia G.
Coolahan, James Aloysius
Coombe, Elizabeth Cheryl
Cooper, Christopher Reid
Cooper, Clarence
Cooper, Florence-Marie
Cooper, Frank
Cooper, Irving Ben
Cooper, Mary Little
Copenhaver, John Thomas, Jr.
Copple, William Perry
Corcoran, Howard Francis
Cordova, Valdemar Aguirre
Corker, Clifton Leland
Corley, Jacqueline Scott
Corrigan, Timothy J.
Cosgrave, George
Costa, Gregg Jeffrey
Costantino, Mark Americus
Costello, Mary Kathleen
Cote, Denise
Cotteral, John Hazelton
Coughenour, John C.
Counts, Walter David III
Court, Michelle Williams
Covello, Alfred V.
Covington, James Harry
Covington, Virginia Maria Hernandez
Cowan, Finis E.
Cowen, Arnold Wilson
Cowen, Robert E.
Cox, Elijah Allen
Cox, Emmett Ripley
Cox, Joseph Winston
Cox, Owen DeVol
Cox, Sean Francis
Cox, Walter Smith
Cox, William Harold
Coxe, Alfred Conkling, Jr.
Coxe, Alfred Conkling, Sr.
Coyle, Robert Everett
Crabb, Barbara Brandriff
Crabtree, Daniel Dale
Craig, Walter Early
Cranch, William
Crane, Randy
Crary, Elisha Avery
Craven, James Braxton, Jr.
Crawford, Geoffrey William
Crawford, William
Creighton, William, Jr.
Crenshaw, Waverly David, Jr.
Crews, S. Kato
Croake, Thomas Francis
Crocker, Myron Donovan
Cronan, John Peter
Crone, Marcia A.
Cross, Joseph
Crotty, Paul Austin
Crouse, Toby Jon
Crow, Sam A.
Crowley, John Powers
Crytzer, Katherine Amber
Cudahy, Richard Dickson
Cullen, Thomas Tullidge
Cummings, Jeffrey Irvine
Cummings, Samuel Ray
Cummings, Walter Joseph
Cunningham, Tiffany Patrice
Curiel, Gonzalo Paul
Curran, Edward Matthew
Curran, Thomas John
Currie, Cameron McGowan
Curtin, John Thomas
Curtis, Benjamin Robbins
Curtis, Jesse William, Jr.
Cushing, William
Cushman, Edward E.
Cuyler, Jeremiah La Touche
Cyr, Conrad Keefe