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Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Number of judges matching the search criteria: 196
Gadbois, Richard Arthur, Jr.
Gadola, Paul V.
Gagliardi, Lee Parsons
Gaitan, Fernando J., Jr.
Gajarsa, Arthur J.
Gallagher, Gordon Paul
Gallagher, John Michael
Gallagher, Stephanie Agli
Galston, Clarence G.
Ganey, James Cullen
Garaufis, Nicholas
Garbis, Marvin J.
Garcia Marmolejo, Marina
Garcia, Bradley Nelson
Garcia, Edward J.
Garcia, Hipolito Frank
Garcia, Matthew Lane
Garcia, Orlando Luis
Garcia-Gregory, Jay A.
Gardephe, Paul G.
Gardner, Archibald K.
Gardner, James Knoll
Gardner, Leslie Abrams
Garland, Merrick B.
Garnett, Margaret M.
Garnett, Sherilyn Peace
Garrecht, Francis Arthur
Garrett, Finis James
Garrity, Wendell Arthur, Jr.
Garth, Leonard I.
Garvin, Edwin Louis
Garwood, William Lockhart
Garza, Emilio M.
Garza, Reynaldo Guerra
Gasch, Oliver
Gaughan, Patricia Anne
Gawthrop, Robert S. III
Gayle, John
Gayles, Darrin Phillip
Gee, Dolly Maizie
Gee, Thomas Gibbs
Geiger, Ferdinand August
Gelpí, Gustavo Antonio, Jr.
George, Lloyd D.
Geraci, Frank Paul, Jr.
Geraghty, Sarah Elisabeth
Gergel, Richard Mark
Gerrard, John Melvin
Gerry, John Francis
Gershon, Nina
Gertner, Nancy
Gesell, Gerhard Alden
Gettleman, Robert William
Getzendanner, Susan Christine O'Meara
Gewin, Walter Pettus
Gex, Walter J. III
Gholson, Samuel Jameson
Gibbons, John Joseph
Gibbons, Julia Smith
Gibney, John Adrian, Jr.
Gibson, Benjamin F.
Gibson, Ernest William, Jr.
Gibson, Floyd Robert
Gibson, Hugh
Gibson, John R.
Gibson, Kim R.
Gibson, Robert Murray
Gierbolini-Ortiz, Gilberto
Gignoux, Edward Thaxter
Gilbert, John Phil
Gilbert, William Ball
Gilchrist, John James
Gilchrist, Robert Budd
Giles, James Tyrone
Giles, Patricia Tolliver
Giles, William Fell
Gilliam, Donnell
Gilliam, Earl Ben
Gilliam, Haywood Stirling, Jr.
Gillmor, Helen W.
Gilman, Ronald Lee
Gilmore, Horace Weldon
Gilmore, Vanessa D.
Gilstrap, James Rodney
Ginsburg, Douglas Howard
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Glasser, Israel Leo
Gleason, Sharon Louise
Gleeson, John
Glenn, Elias
Glenn, John
Glenn, John Lyles, Jr.
Godbey, David C.
Godbold, John Cooper
Goddard, Henry Warren
Goettel, Gerard Louis
Goff, Nathan
Gold, Alan Stephen
Goldberg, Arthur Joseph
Goldberg, Irving Loeb
Goldberg, Mitchell S.
Goldberg, Richard W.
Golden, Thomas M.
Goldsborough, Thomas Alan
Goldsmith, Mark Allan
Gonzales, Kenneth John
Gonzalez, Ernest
Gonzalez, Hector
Gonzalez, Irma Elsa
Gonzalez, Jose Alejandro, Jr.
Goodman, Louis Earl
Goodrich, Herbert Funk
Goodwin, Alfred Theodore
Goodwin, Charles Barnes
Goodwin, Joseph Robert
Goodwin, William Nelson
Gorbey, James Henry
Gordon, Andrew Patrick
Gordon, Eugene Andrew
Gordon, Jack Murphy
Gordon, James Fleming
Gordon, Leo Maury
Gordon, Myron L.
Gordon, Peyton
Gore, John J.
Gorsuch, Neil M.
Gorton, Nathaniel M.
Gottschall, Joan B.
Gould, Ashley Mulgrave
Gould, Ronald Murray
Gourley, Wallace Samuel
Graber, Susan
Grady, John Francis
Graham, Donald L.
Graham, James L.
Graham, Samuel Jordan
Graham, William Johnson
Granade, Callie V.
Grant, Britt Cagle
Grant, Robert Allen
Grasz, Leonard Steven
Graven, Henry Norman
Graves, James Earl, Jr.
Gray, Frank, Jr.
Gray, George
Gray, Horace
Gray, William Percival
Green, Ben Charles
Green, Clifford Scott
Green, Edward T.
Green, Joyce Hens
Green, June Lazenby
Green, William Raymond
Greenaway, Joseph A., Jr.
Greenberg, Morton Ira
Greene, Harold H.
Greene, John Thomas, Jr.
Greer, J. Ronnie
Gregory, Roger L.
Gresham, Walter Quintin
Grey, Jonathan James Canada
Grier, Robert Cooper
Griesa, Thomas Poole
Griesbach, William C.
Griffin, Cyrus
Griffin, Richard Allen
Griffith, Thomas Beall
Griffith, William
Griggsby, Lydia Kay
Grim, Allan Kuhn
Grimberg, Steven Daniel
Grimm, Paul William
Gritzner, James E.
Groh, Gina Marie
Groner, Duncan Lawrence
Grooms, Harlan Hobart
Grosscup, Peter Stenger
Groves, Jennifer Choe
Grubb, Kenneth Philip
Grubb, William Irwin
Gruender, Raymond W.
Guaderrama, David Campos
Gubow, Lawrence
Guidry, Greg Gerard
Guilford, Andrew J.
Guin, Junius Foy, Jr.
Guinn, Ernest Allen
Guirola, Louis, Jr.
Gujarati, Diane
Gunn, George F., Jr.
Gurfein, Murray Irwin
Gutierrez, Philip S.
Guy, Ralph B., Jr.
Guzman, Margaret Rose
Guzman, Ronald A.
Gwin, James S.