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In Session Episode 39: Trust and Relationships: The Science May Surprise You (27:19)

In Session Podcast

In Session: Leading the Judiciary is an audio podcast designed to bring cutting-edge thinking about public- and private-sector leadership to the attention of judiciary executives. Each episode includes a conversation with one or more thought leaders whose research and expertise are relevant to the work of executives in the federal courts.




Peter Kim
June 5, 2024

Dr. Peter H. Kim, researcher in the field of trust and author of How Trust Works: The Science of How Relationships Are Built, Broken and Repaired, shares surprising evidence-based insights about trust and trust violations. He describes how efforts to repair trust, such as apologies, can be ineffective or even harm relationships.  

Dr. Peter H. Kim is a professor of management and organization at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and is a recipient of numerous international and international awards. His research has been published in a number of scholarly journals, and featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post and on National Public Radio.

Additional Resource

Related to the topic of trust, you might also enjoy In Session: Leading the Judiciary – Episode 11: Leadership Blind Spots (27:37) featuring an interview with Brian Brandt, co-author with Ashley Kutach of Blind Spots: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You, and CEO of Core Insights, a Texas-based company that provides training, strategic guidance and coaching.

Send your comments, ideas and feedback on this or any In Session episode to FJC Senior Education Specialist Angela Long. For more leadership education for judiciary executives, visit the fjc.dcn/ee.