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Managing Meetings & Projects

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Format: 2024
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Peter Kim
June 5, 2024

Dr. Peter H. Kim, researcher in the field of trust and author of How Trust Works: The Science of How Relationships Are Built, Broken and Repaired, shares surprising evidence-based insights about trust and trust violations. He describes how efforts to repair trust, such as apologies, can be ineffective or even harm relationships.  

Karen Dillon
February 7, 2024

Karen Dillon, co-author with Rob Cross of The Microstress Effect: How Little Things Pile Up and Create Big Problems and What to Do about It, describes their discovery of the little noticed day-to-day stressors causing significant impact on even the highest performing employees, and how failing to address them can lead to burnout. Karen Dillon is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review and coauthor of three books with Clayton Christensen, including the New York Times bestseller, How Will You Measure Your Life?

We encourage you to use and share a resource that complements this episode: The Hidden Toll of Microstress, the authors’ Harvard Business Review article with a link to a microstress diagnostic tool. You might also enjoy In Session episode 35 on how subtracting can lead to more, available on fjc.dcn, or from your favorite podcast app.

Priya Parker
December 6, 2023

Today on In Session: Leading the Judiciary, Priya Parker, author of The Art of Gathering, shares a purpose-driven and people-centered approach for designing meaningful and memorable meetings that people want to attend. Parker is a facilitator and strategic advisor trained in the field of conflict resolution and has spent twenty years guiding leaders and groups through difficult conversations about community, identity, and vision. She studied organizational design at M.I.T., public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, and political and social thought at the University of Virginia.

We encourage you to use and share two free resources that complement this episode: Priya Parker’s Newsletter and her guide, The New Rules of Gathering.

Ira Chaleff, Lori A. Murphy, Michael E. Siegel
April 3, 2019

Episode 6: An interview with Ira Chaleff, author of The Courageous Follower: Standing Up to and for Our Leaders and Intelligent Disobedience: Doing Right When What You’re Told to Do Is Wrong, and founder and president of Executive Coaching & Consulting Assoc

Christine Porath, Lori A. Murphy, Michael E. Siegel
January 23, 2019

Episode 5: An interview with Christine Porath, author of

Daniel Pink, Michael Eric Siegel, Lori A. Murphy
December 6, 2018

Episode 4: An interview with Daniel Pink, bestselling author, contributing editor at Fast Company and Wired, and business columnist for The Sunday Telegraph.

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