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Science Resources: Opioid Crisis

Alternative Court Programs

Chief Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley (D. Mass.) and Deputy Chief Probation Officer Joseph LaFratta (D. Mass.) discuss the structure, commitment required, and lessons learned from their court’s experience with a successful drug treatment court program. 


In this discussion, Judge Kelley and Mr. LaFratta respond to the following questions:

00:26 What is it that alternative court programs and drug programs offer to federal courts?

01:10 What are the key components or program elements that make a drug court successful?

03:26 How did the C.A.R.E. program start and how did you assemble a team?

05:19 How do individuals become a part of the C.A.R.E. program and what happens once they start?

07:30 How do we know the program is successful?

10:20 How do you know when the program is not a good fit for an individual?

12:16 What tips or tricks for dealing with those with opioid use disorder do you have that you like to share with others?

15:50 What are the lessons learned from the C.A.R.E. program and what would you tell other courts if they want to create the similar program?

18:04 What tips do you have for judges and officers in dealing with people with opioid use disorders?

Joseph LaFratta, Mary Page Kelley, Jason A. Cantone
December 3, 2020