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Federal Judicial Center Celebrates 50 Years

Annual Reports

28 U.S.C. § 623. Duties of the Board

(a) In its direction and supervision of the activities of the Federal Judicial Center, the Board shall—

(3) submit to the Judicial Conference of the United States, at least one month in advance of its annual meeting, a report of the activities of the Center and such recommendations as the Board may propose for the consideration of the Conference;


First Report of the Federal Judicial Center to the Judicial Conference of the United States (March 1968 to August 1968)

Report of the Federal Judicial Center (July 1, 1968, to March 1, 1969) 

First Midyear Report of the Federal Judicial Center to the Judicial Conference of the United States (March 13, 1969)

Second Annual Report of the Federal Judicial Center to the Judicial Conference of the United States (October 1, 1969)

Second Midyear Report of the Federal Judicial Center to the Judicial Conference of the United States (March 16, 1970)

Third Annual Report of the Federal Judicial Center to the Judicial Conference of the United States (October 1, 1970)

Third Midyear Report of the Federal Judicial Center to the Judicial Conference of the United States (March 26, 1971) 

Annual Report 1971

Annual Report 1972

Annual Report 1973

Annual Report 1974

Annual Report 1975

Annual Report 1976

Annual Report 1977

Annual Report 1978

Annual Report 1979

Annual Report 1980

Annual Report 1981

Annual Report 1982

Annual Report 1983

Annual Report 1984

Annual Report 1985

Annual Report 1986

Annual Report 1987

Annual Report 1988

Annual Report 1989

Annual Report 1990

Annual Report 1991

Annual Report 1992

Annual Report 1993

Annual Report 1994

Annual Report 1995

Annual Report 1996

Annual Report 1997

Annual Report 1998

Annual Report 1999

Annual Report 2000

Annual Report 2001

Annual Report 2002

Annual Report 2003

Annual Report 2004

Annual Report 2005

Annual Report 2006

Annual Report 2007

Annual Report 2008

Annual Report 2009

Annual Report 2010

Annual Report 2011

Annual Report 2012

Annual Report 2013

Annual Report 2014

Annual Report 2015

Annual Report 2016

Annual Report 2017