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Federal and State Court Cooperation

Additional Resources

One goal of this curated collection and the 2017 pocket guide on state–federal judicial councils is to remedy the dearth of current research on the topic and promote the need for more resources on these councils. Some of the resources listed below were helpful in the creation of the pocket guideOthers have been added since the pocket guide was released in 2017. 


Advisory Group to the New York State–Federal Judicial Council, Harmonizing the Pre-Litigation Obligation to Preserve Electronically Stored Information in New York State and Federal Courts (2010), available at http://www.

Advisory Group to the New York State–Federal Judicial Council, Interpreters in Federal and New York State Courts: Recommended Best Practices, New York State–Federal Judicial Council 2015 Report (2015), in Equal Before the Law?: Civil Rights and Access to Justice, Access to Justice for Vulnerable Populations Panel (New York Law School 2016), available at 40/2013/07/Vulnerable-Populations-Panel.pdf.

Advisory Group to the New York State–Federal Judicial Council, Practice Handbook on Certification of State Law Questions by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to the New York State Court of Appeals (3d ed. 2016), available at https://www.nycourts. gov/ctapps/forms/certhandbk.pdf.

Coordinating Multijurisdiction Litigation: A Pocket Guide for Judges (Federal Judicial Center & National Center for State Courts 2013)

Organizing and Using a Council of State and Federal Judges (Federal Judicial Center 1993).

Goldfarb Center & the Maine Federal–State Judicial Council, Teaching about the Maine Judiciary: Conversations with Maine Judges, (last visited Apr. 24, 2017).

Jack B. Weinstein, Coordination of State and Federal Judicial Systems, 57 St. John’s L. Rev. 1 (1982).

James G. Apple, Paula L. Hannaford & G. Thomas Munsterman, Manual for Cooperation Between State and Federal Courts (Federal Judicial Center, National Center for State Courts & State Justice Institute 1997).

Jason A. Cantone and Emery G. Lee III, Federal Judicial Center, Federal and State Forum Preferences: A Survey of Attorneys in Recently Closed Diversity Jurisdiction Cases (2021). 

Jason A. Cantone, Federal Judicial Center, Report on Federal–State Court Cooperation: A Survey of Federal Chief District Judges (2016)

National Center for State Courts, State-Federal Relations Resource Guide, available at (This site provides a curated list of resources on the topic of state-federal relations.)

Robert J. Giuffra, Jr., Matthew A. Schwartz, Shane R. Yeargan & Justin Lo, Report on the Coordination of Discovery Between New York Federal and State Courts (New York State–Federal Judicial Council 2016) (prepared by Robert J. Giuffra, Jr., Matthew A. Schwartz, Shane R. Yeargan, and Justin Lo), available at docs/NY State Federal Judicial Council Report on Discovery Coordination.pdf.

State–Federal Judicial Observer (1993–1999), available at

State Justice Institute, Regional Conference Cookbook: A Practical Guide for Planning and Presenting a Regional Conference on State–Federal Judicial Relationships (1994).

Victor E. Flango & Maria Gibson, Administrative Cooperation Between State and Federal Courts, 34 No. 2 Judges’ J. 2 (1995).

William W Schwarzer, Nancy E. Weiss & Alan Hirsch, Judicial Federalism in Action: Coordination of Litigation in State and Federal Courts, 78 Va. L. Rev. 1689 (1992).