Presents the analysis of the table that depicts the current rule and any restrictions for all ninty-four district courts regarding eligibility to practice before the court.
Report to the Conference of Chief Circuit Judges and Circuit Executives regarding the disposition times of capital habeas petitions in both federal district and appellate courts.
William W Schwarzer, Genevra Kay Loveland, Thomas R. Phillips
July 1, 1995
Four articles in this issue of FJC Directions are devoted to the November 1994 conference at which more than 175 federal and state judges gathered to analyze techniques for managing mass tort litigation. In this issue of FJC Directions:
Report on the federal district courts' responses to the 1993 amendments to FRCP 26. Tables describe courts' local rules, general orders, and CJRA plans by indicating which of five key provisions of Rule 26 are in effect.
Naomi Medvin, Elizabeth C. Wiggins, F. James Kearney
March 8, 1995
District-by-district summary and chart of local rules or orders adopted by U.S. Bankruptcy courts responding to 1993 amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26. Also summarizes other discovery-related requirements and patterns found in courts' responses to amendments.
Thomas E. Willging, Laural L. Hooper, Robert J. Niemic
February 9, 1995
A random national sample of 8,320 civil cases filed between November 1987 and January 1990 in 86 federal district courts included 51 cases involving class action allegations in the complaint or judicial action in response to class action activity.
John E. Shapard, George W. Cort, Marie Leary, Thomas E. Willging, Elizabeth C. Wiggins, Kim McLaurin
January 1, 1995
A report of the results of a Center survey that sought federal trial attorneys' and federal district judges' views of the effects of Rule 11 before 1993, the effects of amendments to Rule 11 that became effective December 1, 1993, and the merits of proposals that would in large measure reverse th