A report that uses trial attorneys' responses to a Center survey concerning 800 federal civil cases in assessing proposed amendments to Fed. R. Civ. P. 68 to make it more effective in encouraging settlement and reducing litigation.
A research guide on how to do social science research, how to avoid the common pitfalls of analyzing data in a policy-charged environment, and how to work with social scientists who might provide assistance to courts.
A record of the papers and proceedings of a conference the Center hosted in April 1993. The purpose of the conference was to facilitate efforts in judicial impact assessment by providing a forum where individuals with a shared interest in this area could exchange information and ideas.
Judicial Conference of the United States, Committee on Court Administration and Case Management
December 1, 1994
Prepared by the Judicial Conference of the United States. Transmitted to Congress by the director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (includes Appendix I, III, IV).
Report to the Judicial Conference Committee on Federal-State Jurisdiction on the extent of partial filing fees being required in federal judicial districts. This report includes a table showing practices in each US District Court regarding imposition of partial filing fees.
Interim report to the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Civil Rules providing information that was used in evaluating the need for additional provisions in the rules relating to sealed court records and sealed settlement agreements.
Results of a survey done at the request of the chairs of the Advisory Committees on Civil and Criminal Rules on judicial practices in conducting voir dire; opinions about counsel participation in voir dire; and impressions on effect on voir dire of the line of cases beginning with Batson v.
Report on the federal district courts' responses to the 1993 amendments to FRCP 26. Tables describe courts' local rules, general orders, and CJRA plans by indicating which of five key provisions of Rule 26 are in effect.