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January 1, 2000

An ongoing compilation of information that federal district judges have found useful for immediate bench or chambers reference. The Benchbook contains sections on such topics as assignment of counsel, taking guilty pleas, model sentencing forms, standard voir dire questions, and oaths.

Molly Johnson, Scott A. Gilbert
January 1, 1997

Report on a survey that the Center undertook at the request of the Committee on Criminal Law of the Judicial Conference of the United States of all district and circuit judges and chief probation officers regarding their experiences with and views of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.

July 1, 1996

An ongoing compilation of information that federal district judges have found useful for immediate bench or chambers reference.

Jefri Wood, Diane Sheehey
September 1, 1995

A cumulative outline of issues covered in Guideline Sentencing Update. (September 1995)

Superseded by Guideline Sentencing: An Outline of Appellate Case Law on Selected Issues (1997).

Jefri Wood, Diane Sheehey
April 1, 1995

A cumulative outline of issues covered in Guideline Sentencing Update. (April 1995)

Superseded by Guideline Sentencing: An Outline of Appellate Case Law on Selected Issues (September 1995).

Jefri Wood, Diane Sheehey
April 1, 1994

A cumulative outline of issues covered in Guideline Sentencing Update.

Superseded by Guideline Sentencing: An Outline of Appellate Case Law on Selected Issues (April 1995).


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