Clerk of the Court Charles W. Vagner transmits the roster of the Civil Justice Advisory Group for the Western District of Texas to David F. Hopkins of the Administrative Office.
Chief Judge Robert M. Parker transmits a roster of the Eastern District of Texas Civil Justice Advisory Group to David F. Hopkins of the Administrative Office.
Chief Judge of New York's Southern District Charles L. Brient writes to judge Anthony A. Alaimo of Georgia's Southern District. He discusses the potential benefits of agreeing to become a pilot district under the Civil Justice Reform Act.
District of South Carolina Clerk of the Court Ann A. Birch transmits to the Administrative Office the order appointing members of the district's Civil Justice Advisory Group. The order was signed February 14th, 1991 by Chief Judge Falcon B. Hawkins.
Chief Judge Donald D. Alsop transmits his order establishing a civil justice advisory group for the District of Minnesota to Duane R. Lee of the Administrative Office.
Order signed by Northern District of Iowa Chief Judge Donald E. O'Brien establishing the membership roster of the district's civil justice advisory group.
James E. Macklin, Jr. writes to Federal Judicial Center Director William W Schwarzer to discuss informational packets produced jointly by the Federal Judicial Center and the Administrative Office
Judge Robert M. Parker describes concerns about the Federal Judicial Center publication of a CJRA informational packet and discusses whether it should become a joint Federal Judicial Center/Administrative Office publication
Clerk of the Court Mary L.M. Moran writes to Administrative Office Director L. Ralph Mecham to inform him that the District of Guam is currently unable to comply with -478 of the Civil Justice Reform Act
Wally Edgell, Clerk of the Court for the Northern District of West Virginia, transmits the list of Civil Justice Advisory Group members to David F. Hopkins of the Administrative Office.