At the request of the Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management (CACM), the Federal Judicial Center completed a study of unredacted non-government party names in Social Security and immigration case documents.
Tara L. Grove, Melissa Jacoby, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
November 21, 2024
Bankruptcy. Non-uniformity. Non-debtor Release. Experts discuss the Supreme Court’s decision to not reimburse claimants for bounded non-uniformities in Hammons, and to reject non-consensual third release in Purdue Pharma.
Criminal Law. Eighth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Experts discuss the Court’s interpretation of status and conduct in the context of ordinances that punish sleeping in public in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, and the absolute bar to retrial of acquittals, even when there are inconsistent verdicts, in McElrath v. Georgia.
Criminal Law. Malicious-prosecution. § 1983. Experts discuss the Supreme Court’s determination that probable cause for one charge does not insulate other charges from a §1983 malicious-prosecution claim.
This report summarizes the actual practices of district courts regarding entry of defaults and default judgments pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 55.
Criminal Law. Statutory Interpretation. Experts discuss the Court’s interpretation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as applied to January 6 defendants in Fischer v. United States, and whether the amended federal bribery statute continues to criminalize gratuities in Snyder v. United States.
Voting. Redistricting. Experts discuss how courts should determine if race or party affiliation predominates in a legislature’s redistricting in Alexander v. South Carolina Conference of the NAACP, and the uncertainty surrounding application of the Purcell principle in Robinson v. Callais.
Second Amendment. National Firearms Act. Experts discuss the Court’s continued development of the history and tradition standard of analysis in the context of the Second Amendment, and how the abandonment of the Chevron Doctrine impacted the interpretation of the National Firearms Act.
Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
September 19, 2024
Administrative Law. Chevron deference. In this extended edition of Term Talk, experts review the Supreme Court's administrative law decisions over the past few terms and analyze their impact on the regulatory state, to include the rejection of Chevron deference in Loper Bright v. Raimondo; the prohibition against imposing administrative penalties for fraud without a jury trial in SEC v. Jarkesy; and extending the statute of limitations under the Administrative Procedure Act in Corner Post v. FRB.