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Civil Litigation & Procedure

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Leonidas Ralph Mecham, John Francis Gerry, Henry Gottlieb
March 5, 1990

L. Ralph Mecham transmits Judge John F. Gerry's position on S. 2027 to Chief Justice William Rehnquist, along with a New Jersey Law Journal Article by Henry Gottlieb entitled "U.S. Judges Blast Speed-Up Bill"

John Francis Nangle, Oren Harris, Aubrey Eugene Robinson Jr., Ann Pelham
March 2, 1990

Correspondence from judges sharing their positions on S. 2027. Also attached is Judge Aubrey E. Robinson's Prepared Statement on the bill, and a Legal Times article by Ann Pelham entitled "Judges Bristle at Biden's Civil Reform Plan"

John Winslow Bissell
February 28, 1990

Judge John W. Bissell of the District of New Jersey writes to Jeffrey J. Peck in order to share his opinions about the Civil Justice Reform Act. Attached is a New Jersey Law Journal article by Henry Gottlieb entitled "U.S. Judges Blast Speed-Up Bill"

Joseph R. Biden
January 25, 1990

Senator Joseph R. Biden's introductory statement on the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 presented before the U.S. Senate

January 23, 1990

Text of H.R.5316, including appendices

Paul Summitt, James E. Macklin Jr., Brookings Task Force on Civil Justice Reform
October 27, 1989

Paul Summitt and James E. Macklin, Jr. transmit the Brookings Taskforce for Civil Reform report entitled "Justice for All"

Franklin W. Nutter, Julius Chambers, Alexander Trowbridge, Frank H. McFadden, Stephen B. Middlebrook, Patrick J. Head, Marcia Greenberger, Edward R. Muller, Robert E. Vagley, John Pendergrass
October 25, 1989

Interested parties and organizations offer press releases reacting to the Brookings report

Joseph R. Biden
October 25, 1989

Press release from Senator Biden's office praising the Brookings report and naming civil justice reform as a priority of the Senate Judiciary Committee

Brookings Task Force on Civil Justice Reform
October 25, 1989

Press release summarizing the Brookings task force's findings on cost and delay in civil cases, and advertising an upcoming talk on the topic.

Alvin B. Rubin, Laura B. Bartell
January 1, 1989

A handbook dealing with problems and procedures in the areas of conduct, protocol, ethics, and court management; the various functions of related agencies; basic analysis of litigation; and general administrative matters that concern law clerks.


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