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Term Talk: Moore v. Harper; Allen v. Milligan

The nation's top legal scholars discuss what federal judges need to know about the U.S. Supreme Court's most impactful decisions. 

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Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Shelly A. Easter
September 21, 2023

Elections. Independent State Legislature Theory. Voting Rights Act. Experts discuss the Supreme Court’s rejection of the Independent State Legislature Theory in Moore v. Harper, and  the Court’s reaffirmation and application of the Thornburg v. Gingles test to districting questions in Allen v. Milligan.

Participants. Erwin Chemerinski, Dean and Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley School of Law; Michael McConnell, former Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, Richard and Francis Mallery Professor of Law, and Director of the Constitutional Law Center, Stanford Law School; and Shelly Easter, Producer and Education Attorney, Federal Judicial Center.

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