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Term Talk: Carson v. Makin, Ramirez v. Collier

The nation's top legal scholars discuss what federal judges need to know about the U.S. Supreme Court's most impactful decisions. 

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Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
October 19, 2022

The Establishment and Free Expression of Religion Clauses. Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). Experts discuss the Court’s redefinition of government neutrality to require support of both secular and religious schools and the potential impact on government support of many secular activities going forward. Experts also discuss the exacting form of strict scrutiny the Court requires when the government restricts the religious activities of incarcerated persons in the context of the execution chamber.

Participants. Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, UC Berkeley Law School; Michael McConnell, Professor, Stanford Law School; Beth Wiggins, Director of Research, Federal Judicial Center.

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