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State-Federal Judicial Observer, No. 4

Sandra Day O'Connor, James G. Apple, Stanley Marcus
December 1, 1993

In this issue of the State-Federal Judicial Observer:

  • Supreme Court Justice O'Connor Encourages State-Federal Cooperation at Local Levels, by James G. Apple
  • O'Connor Asks for "Hard Look" at Increasing Size of Federal Judiciary, by Sandra Day O'Connor (An excerpt from a speech given at the U.S. Ninth Circuit Conference in August 1993, in Santa Barbara, California.)
  • Breast Implant Cases Lead to Model for Nationwide State-Federal Cooperation
  • Special Issue of Justice System Journal Focuses on the Impact of Tort Litigation on Courts
  • Erosion of Public Confidence in Criminal Justice System is Source of Increased Federalization of Crime, by Stanley Marcus
  • State-Federal Committee Hears Reports on Condition, Trends of Federal Courts
  • State and Federal Judges Explore Frontiers of Science at Fourth Annual Medina Seminar
  • Courts' Weak Relations with Media, Public, Legislatures are Topics at State-Federal Meetings: Corrective Actions Recommended Include More Contacts with Press, Citizens, and Lawmakers, by James G. Apple

The State-Federal Judicial Observer was published from 1993-1999 as an occasional newsletter. It was issued by the Center's Interjudicial Affairs Office to further the Center's statutory charge to further cooperation between the state and federal judiciaries. Issues covered a range of topics relating to judicial federalism and provide updates on state-federal judicial councils in the states that have them.