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Discovery and Disclosure Practice, Problems, and Proposals for Change: A Case-based National Survey of Counsel in Closed Federal Civil Cases

Thomas E. Willging, John E. Shapard, Donna J. Stienstra, D. Dean P. Miletich
January 1, 1997

At the request of the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Civil Rules, the Center conducted a study of the discovery process, examining the extent to which discovery is used, the frequency and nature of problems in discovery, the impact of the 1993 amendments, and whether additional rule changes are needed. This is the report of that study. Submitted to the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Civil Rules, for Consideration at its Meeting September 4-5, 1997.

Note: A revised version of this study is published at 39 Boston College Law Review 525 (May 1998) under the title An Empirical Study of Discovery and Disclosure Practice Under the 1993 Federal Rule Amendements.