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Science Resources: Neuroscience

Memory, Lie and Recognition Detection

In this module, Dr. Craig Stark from the University of California, Irvine, discusses how memory is encoded in the brain, how memories can be manipulated, and why these topics are relevant to the courts. He addresses the following questions:

  • What are some common misperceptions about memory (e.g., are memories of stressful events more reliable than other memories)? How are these relevant to legal matters?
  • How do memory distortions occur, and what factors affecting memories should we be aware of?
  • How does stress affect memory retrieval?
  • What are some potential uses for lie and recognition detection?


  • to understand how memories are encoded in the brain
  • to define lie and recognition and understand how these terms relate to both law and neuroscience

To learn more about Dr. Stark, click here.

Additional Resources:

Craig Stark
February 7, 2019