Committee on the Use of Appellate Court Energies of the Advisory Council on Appellate Justice
January 1, 1973
A report on procedures for determining whether an opinion should be published and whether an unpublished opinion may be cited to or by a court. The report recommends that opinions be published only if certain defined standards are satisfied. A proposed model court rule is included.
The conclusions of a panel of scholars and practitioners, commonly known as the Freund Commission Report, who were assembled to study the caseload of the Supreme Court, identify problems, and recommend jurisdictional and procedural changes to assist in remedying those problems.
Paul A. Freund, Alexander M. Bickel, Peter D. Ehrenhaft, Russell D. Niles, Bernard G. Segal, Robert L. Stern, Charles A. Wright
December 1, 1972
The conclusions of a panel of scholars and practitioners who were assembled to study the caseload of the Supreme Court, identify problems, and recommend jurisdictional and procedural changes to assist in remedying those problems. The text of this report can also be found at 57 F.R.D. 573 (1972).
Describes several uses for video technology in the judicial system. Discusses proscriptions against certain types of uses in federal courts, as well as those uses acceptable in the federal system.
Guidelines developed from several studies to increase the utilization of jurors. The guidelines are designed to decrease the amount of time required of jurors and expenditures for jury costs.
Principles and procedures of effective docket control and the individual assignment system. Developed as a companion and guide for a cassette recording on the same topic.