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About Court Officers & Staff

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Jody E. George, Deirdre Golash, Russell R. Wheeler
January 1, 1989

A manual that explains the basic concepts of administering federal juries. It describes statutory requirements, Judicial Conference policies, and various procedures used in the district courts.

January 1, 1974

The purpose of this manual is to assist secretaries to United States Judges in the performance of their duties by suggesting methods by which the duties generally assigned to them can most efficiently be performed.

James E. Langner, Steven Flanders
January 1, 1973

A description of procedures in six stages of the appellate process: notification, documentation, argumentation, decision, publication, and mandate.

This booklet describes the programs and services available to federal court personnel in 1994 from the Court Education Division of the Federal Judicial Center. Services include seminars or workshops in strategic planning and case management

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