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Wilson Compton, Jason A. Cantone
December 3, 2020

Dr. Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), explains what judges need to know about the biology, neurobiology, and chemistry of opioid use disorder.

Bernard D. Goldstein, Mary Sue Henifin
January 1, 2011

The Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Third Edition assists judges in managing cases involving complex scientific and technical evidence by describing the basic tenets of key scientific fields from which legal evidence is typically derived and by providing examples of cases in which that e

Bernard D. Goldstein, Mary Sue Henifin
January 1, 2000

The Reference Guide on Toxicology is published as a chapter in the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Second Edition (pp 401-437).

Bernard D. Goldstein, Mary Sue Henifin
January 1, 1994

Offers an overview of toxicology research methods and standards for assessing the association between exposure and harm.

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