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Court-Appointed Experts

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Elizabeth C. Wiggins
November 7, 2017

This repository of materials was developed as a companion to the manual, Navigating Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy Code, to provide courts with examples of case documents and other resource materials related

October 24, 2017

This page includes documents related to the court’s review of fees paid by the debtor to professionals in connection with a Chapter 9 case. In Chapter 9 cases, the debtor may employ professionals without court approval, and the judge reviews fees only within the context of plan confirmation.

October 23, 2017

This page includes documents related to the court’s appointment of an expert under Federal Rule of Evidence 706(a), of a non-testifying consultant, and of a fee examiner.

Joe S. Cecil, Thomas E. Willging
January 1, 1994

Offers suggestions for the use of court-appointed experts pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 706.

Joe S. Cecil, Thomas E. Willging, Emily Z. Huebner
August 1, 1992

A magazine that reported Center research and education activities in a concise format. In this issue of FJC Directions:

Thomas E. Willging
January 1, 1986

A description of the appointment of expert witnesses under Federal Rule of Evidence 706. The report discusses procedures for appointing an expert and for payment of the costs.

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