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Erwin Chemerinsky, James A. Chance, Melissa Murray
October 20, 2020

Reproductive Freedom. Experts discuss the constitutionality of admitting privileges requirements for abortion providers, and whether exceptions to ACA-required contraceptive coverage can be administratively expanded to include moral objection.

Elizabeth C. Wiggins
November 7, 2017

This repository of materials was developed as a companion to the manual, Navigating Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy Code, to provide courts with examples of case documents and other resource materials related

October 23, 2017

This page includes documents related to the court’s determination of whether it should appoint a patient care ombudsman.

Joe S. Cecil
October 1, 1996

Proposal seeks funding to underwrite conference to "identify opportunities for research on the relationship between litigation and the delivery of health care services." Issues raised would become subjects of empirical study by smaller groups.

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