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William ("Bill") C. Rooklidge, Martha K. Gooding, Philip Johnson, Noreen Krall
August 2, 2017

This guide focuses on case-management practices that may be helpful to the courts in the adjudication of patent infringement damages. It reflects the current state of the law and the courts' evolving case-management efforts.

Mallun Yen, Martha K. Gooding, Philip Johnson, William ("Bill") C. Rooklidge
January 1, 2011

A guide for trial judges to consult when deciding issues of compensatory damages in patent infringement cases, prepared by a national committee of experts from the bench, bar, in-house counsel, and academia formed at the request of the chief judge of the U.S.

Herbert F. Schwartz
January 1, 1988

A monograph that provides an overview of this specialized area of the law. The author describes the steps followed in a patent application and discusses defenses to and remedies for patent infringement, providing examples from case law.

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