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Format: 2024
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Neil M. Gorsuch
March 19, 2024

FBI v. Fikre, 401 U.S. ___, 144 S. Ct. 771 (2024), aff’g 35 F.4th 762 (9th Cir. 2022), rev’g Opinion, No. 3:13-cv-899 (D. Or. Aug. 12, 2020), D.E. 164, 2020 WL 4677516.

James D. Garbolino
November 16, 2022

Age of Child | Attorney Fees and Costs

In this case, the Seventh Circuit addressed the loss of jurisdiction when a child turns sixteen years of age and whether sanctions were warranted for a frivolous appeal.


James A. Chance, Suzanna Sherry, Evan Lee
October 21, 2021

Standing. Experts discuss the novel theory of standing by inseverability, limitations on Congress’ ability to confer standing through legislation, and the questions raised by allowing nominal damages to save some completed harms from mootness.

James D. Garbolino
April 18, 2017

Child’s Objection to Return | Mootness

James D. Garbolino
February 2, 2016

Mootness | Stays | Expeditious Handling

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