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W.D. Wis.

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Robert Timothy Reagan
October 30, 2023

Democratic National Committee v. Bostelmann (3:20-cv-249), Gear v. Knudson (3:20-cv-278), and Lewis v. Knudson (3:20-cv-284) (William M. Conley, W.D. Wis.) and City of Green Bay v. Bostelmann (William C. Griesbach, 1:20-cv-479) and Taylor v.

Robert Timothy Reagan
October 26, 2023

Great America PAC v. Wisconsin Elections Commission (James D. Peterson, W.D. Wis. 3:16-cv-795), Stein v. Thomas (Mark A. Goldsmith, E.D. Mich. 2:16-cv-14233), and Stein v. Cortés (Paul S. Diamond, E.D. Pa. 2:16-cv-6287)

Robert Timothy Reagan, Margaret S. Williams, Marie Leary, Catherine R. Borden, Jessica L. Snowden, Patricia D. Breen, Jason A. Cantone
August 8, 2023

Romney for President v. Wisconsin (William M. Conley, W.D. Wis. 3:12-cv-745)

Emery G. Lee
June 6, 2011

In 2010, the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Civil Rules requested a study of motions for sanctions based on an allegation that the nonmoving party had destroyed evidence, especially electronically stored information (ESI).

John C. Shabaz
August 28, 1996

The 1995 Periodic Assessment for the Western District of Wisconsin, prepared by Chief Judge John C. Shabaz

Linda Casey
May 5, 1992

Linda Casey forwards an analysis of the features of district cost and delay reduction plans for 22 districts

Abel J. Mattos
April 27, 1992

Abel J. Mattos updates Mark D. Shapiro on the progress and recommendations of each Circuit Review Committee regarding Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan

February 27, 1992

A table highlighting the different features of the Early Implementation District plans

Joseph W. Skupniewitz
December 31, 1991

Cover letter to Court of Clerk for the Western District of Wisconsin Joseph W. Skupniewitz's transmittal of his district's Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan to Abel J. Mattos of the Administrative Office

Duane Rex Lee
October 11, 1991

The Administrative Office's Duane R. Lee provides District of New Jersey Chief Judge John F. Gerry with an updated list of the CJRA Early Implementation Districts.


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