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Complex Litigation

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Tara L. Grove, Melissa Jacoby, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
November 21, 2024

Bankruptcy. Non-uniformity. Non-debtor Release. Experts discuss the Supreme Court’s decision to not reimburse claimants for bounded non-uniformities in Hammons, and to reject non-consensual third release in Purdue Pharma.

Thomas Lee Hazen
April 26, 2022

Federal Securities Law (Fourth Edition) examines the statutory framework for the issues that federal judges are most likely to encounter in federal securities litigation.

Jeffery Cross
December 14, 2021

This monograph provides an overview of one of the principal sections of antitrust law, § 1 of the Sherman Act, and describes the statutory framework as well as analyzes the case law.

Margaret S. Williams, Jason A. Cantone, Emery G. Lee
October 28, 2019

This pocket guide was created to provide multidistrict transferee judges with an overview of the use of fact sheets. Fact sheets (either plaintiff or defendant) are one of many case-management tools available to transferee judges.

Melissa J. Whitney
May 15, 2019

This pocket guide was created to provide transferee judges handling multidistrict litigation (MDL) with an overview of the bellwether trial process. Bellwether trials are one of many case-management tools available to MDL transferee judges.

Margaret S. Williams, Emery G. Lee, Jason A. Cantone
March 11, 2019

This report examines the use of plaintiff fact sheets and related case management tools in multidistrict litigation.

Melissa J. Whitney
June 1, 2018

Science tutorials have developed as a tool to assist judges in managing cases that involve complex science and technology. Such tutorials provide an early opportunity for the court to learn and ask questions about relevant science and technology outside the context of motion practice.

Catherine R. Borden
May 31, 2018

This pocket guide is designed for transferee judges managing MDL proceedings that involve multiple, related class actions.

February 25, 2015
Federal Judicial Center, Jud Watkins, Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation
January 1, 2014
This guide is intended to help transferee clerks of court successfully manage multidistrict litigation (MDL). It contains recommendations from the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation and suggestions for implementing CM/ECF to improve MDL case management.


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