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Social Security

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Jana E. Laks, Kristin A. Garri
February 4, 2025

At the request of the Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management (CACM), the Federal Judicial Center completed a study of unredacted non-government party names in Social Security and immigration case documents.

April 11, 2022

This package of materials was transmitted to Congress on April 11, 2022, concerning amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure to become effective on December 1, 2022.

Amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure are as follows:

October 18, 2021

This package of materials was transmitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on October 18, 2021, concerning amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure to become effective on December 1, 2022.

September 1, 2021

This package of materials was transmitted to the Judicial Conference, and it includes proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure to become effective on December 1, 2022.

David A. Sanders
March 8, 2019

Social Security disability cases pose many challenges. In practice, federal court review of Social Security agency decisions differs widely from district to district and from circuit to circuit.

Joe S. Cecil, George W. Cort, Ashley Mason Springer, Vashty Gobinpersad
October 25, 2015

George W. Cort, Joe S. Cecil
April 5, 2010

Memorandum to the Privacy Subcommittee of the Judicial Conference Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, April 5, 2010.

January 1, 2001

Form 26: Preliminary Report and Discovery Schedule

Form 27: Scheduling Order for Social Security Cases

Form 28: Order Setting Schedule for Social Security Cases

Form 29: Provisional Discovery Plan

Form 30: Memorandum and Order Regarding Discovery

Lance M. Liebman
January 1, 1985

A 1985 examination of the controversy and difficulties encountered by the Social Security Administration when determining disability and adjudicating appeals.


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