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States' Rights

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Francesca Williams, Laurie Levenson, Evan Lee
November 21, 2024

Criminal Law. Eighth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Experts discuss the Court’s interpretation of status and conduct in the context of ordinances that punish sleeping in public in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, and the absolute bar to retrial of acquittals, even when there are inconsistent verdicts, in McElrath v. Georgia.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Hamid M. Khan
October 12, 2023

Preemption. NLRA. Experts discuss the foreseeable, aggravated and imminent danger needed to remove unions from protection under the National Labor Relations Act and to allow actions in state courts to proceed.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Hamid M. Khan
October 12, 2023

Dormant Commerce Clause. Experts discuss the reaffirmation of the Pike balancing test and express different interpretations of the Supreme Court’s treatment of extra-territoriality principles.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Shelly A. Easter
September 28, 2023

Civil Rights. Title VII. §1983. Experts discuss the greater religious accommodation requirements for employers the Supreme Court outlines in Groff v. DeJoy, and the continuing availability of §1983 to enforce some private rights created by statutes adopted under the Spending Clause in Health and Hosp. Corp. of Marion Ctny. v. Talevski.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Tara L. Grove, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
September 7, 2022

Reproductive Rights. Substantive Due Process. Experts discuss the Dobbs decision’s impact on women’s health and reproductive rights, as well as Substantive Due Process Liberty Clause jurisprudence.

October 24, 2017

This page includes orders related to the court’s continuing jurisdiction after the entry of the confirmation order for purposes of implementing the plan and closing the case.

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