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Sexual Assaults

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James D. Garbolino
November 16, 2022

Ameliorative Measures | Undertakings | Office of Children’s Issues | Grave Risk | Foreign Law

James A. Chance, Suzanna Sherry, Laurie Levenson
October 28, 2021

Constitutional Criminal Law. Experts discuss the Supreme Court’s elimination of the Watershed Exception for procedural rule changes in Edwards v. Vannoy, and the lack of need for specific findings in life without parole sentencing of juveniles in Jones v. Mississippi.  

James D. Garbolino
January 20, 2016

Grave Risk | Sexual Abuse of Child

The Da­nai­pour cases deal with the responsibilities of trial courts to hear and rule on defenses to return as opposed to relying upon the courts or services of the habitual residence to inquire into allegations of abuse.

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