Edward J. Klecker, Civil Justice Advisory Group for the District of North Dakota
February 14, 1994
Clerk of the Court Edward J. Klecker sends other U.S. District Court Clerks the Civil Justice Advisory Group Report for the District of North Dakota, which has been published in the North Dakota Law Review, Vol. 69:4.
The text of a standing order issued in the Northern District of Illinois in response to the Civil Justice Reform Act. Includes an introduction written by Chief Judge James B. Moran
Abel J. Mattos, Frederick M. Russillo, Mark D. Shapiro, Donna J. Stienstra, John A. Thawley
January 19, 1994
Abel J. Mattos transmits the remaining Administrative Office and Federal Judicial Center staff reviews of district plans and reports to the Judicial Conference Subcommittee on Case Management