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Official Liability

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Laurie Levenson, Evan Lee, Francesca Wiilliams
November 21, 2024

Criminal Law. Malicious-prosecution. § 1983. Experts discuss the Supreme Court’s determination that probable cause for one charge does not insulate other charges from a §1983 malicious-prosecution claim.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
September 19, 2024

First Amendment. Social Media. Experts analyze the Court’s varied opinions on whether social media platform content moderation is speech protected by the First Amendment in Moody v. NetChoice, LLC, and when posts to personal social media accounts by government officials become government speech in Lindke v. Freed.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Shelly A. Easter
September 28, 2023

Civil Rights. Title VII. §1983. Experts discuss the greater religious accommodation requirements for employers the Supreme Court outlines in Groff v. DeJoy, and the continuing availability of §1983 to enforce some private rights created by statutes adopted under the Spending Clause in Health and Hosp. Corp. of Marion Ctny. v. Talevski.

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