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Marine Insurance

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Robert Force
January 1, 2013
This monograph introduces federal judges to admiralty and maritime law, including the rules relating to jurisdiction and procedure that are peculiar to this field. The author covers areas relating to commercial law, such as charter parties, carriage of goods, and marine insurance.
Robert Force
January 1, 2004

This monograph introduces federal judges to admiralty and maritime law, including both general maritime and statutory law. The author examines the rules relating to jurisdiction and procedure that are peculiar to this field.

Federal Courts Study Committee, Judicial Conference of the United States
July 1, 1990

The Federal Courts Study Committee's Working Papers and Subcommittee Reports constitute Part III of the Committee's report.

October 1, 1975

A summary of the first phase of the Center's project to develop a caseload forecasting model. The study concludes that indicator-based forecasts can and should be used to help allocate district court resources.

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