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Local Rules

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Marie Leary
November 30, 2004

The Federal Judicial Center prepared this report to assist the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure to evaluate reported problems with and potential amendments to Rules 28 and 32 on the content and cover of briefs.

Robert Timothy Reagan, Shannon R. Wheatman, Marie Leary, Natacha Blain, Steven S. Gensler, George W. Cort, D. Dean P. Miletich
May 19, 2004

An examination of 288,846 federal district court cases revealed 1,270 cases that appeared to have sealed settlement agreements, for a sealed settlement rate of less than one half of one percent. In 97% of the cases with sealed settlements the complaint was not under seal.

Tim Reagan, Marie Leary, Shannon R. Wheatman, Thomas E. Willging, Natacha Blain, George W. Cort, D. Dean P. Miletich
May 1, 2003

Case records generally are public records and all documents filed with a court are available to the public for inspection upon request unless a statute, rule, or order provides otherwise. This report summarizes federal and state court rules on sealing documents in trial courts files.

January 1, 2001

Appendix B: Court Administration and Case Management Committee, Guidelines for Ensuring Fair and Effective Court-Annexed ADR

Appendix C: Differentiated Case Management System: Local Rules and Forms

Appendix D: Sample Statistical Reports

Appendix E: Bibliography

Elizabeth C. Wiggins, Shannon R. Wheatman
December 1, 2000

This is an update to the FJC's 1995 study of the implementation of Rule 26 disclosure provisions by the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts. This update includes new data on disclosure provisions and related local rules collected from the Bankruptcy Courts during the summer of 2000. 

Carol L. Krafka, Marie Leary, Joe S. Cecil, Naomi Medvin
January 1, 1999

Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 26.1 provides for disclosure of financial information from corporate parties in the courts of appeals. The purpose of the rule is to assist appellate judges in identifying if they have financial conflicts of interest for recusal purposes.

Thomas E. Willging
February 23, 1998

Memorandum to the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Civil Rules identifying two districts, the Northern District of Alabama and the Central District of California, as examples of "the 'middle ground' between current requirements and abolition of disclosure requirements."

Marie Leary
June 1, 1997

The Judicial Conference Committee on Rules and Practice and Procedure studied the effect of having multiple standards of professional conduct for attorneys practicing in the federal district courts.

Robert C. Heinemann
April 2, 1997

Clerk of the Court Robert C. Heineman transmits local rules changes for the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York to William R. Burchill, Jr., Abel J. Mattos, Lydia Pelegrin, and peter G. McCabe. The effective date of change for both district courts is April 15, 1997.


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