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Investigative Stops

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Edwin Chemerinsky, Laurie Levenson, James A. Chance
October 7, 2021

Fourth Amendment. Search and Seizure. Watch experts discuss the Court’s refusal to broaden the Community Caretaking exception and doctrine of hot pursuit in favor of protecting privacy in the home, and the different standards applied to seizure in civil and criminal cases. 

Evan Lee, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
December 7, 2020

Criminal Law, Native American Law. Experts discuss a criminal law jurisdictional ruling impacting nearly half of Oklahoma land and with implications across a broad array of laws and regulations. Also discussed is how Kansas v. Glover’s narrow holding prompts questions about future interpretations of reasonable suspicion traffic stops if applied to the many possible differing factual scenarios.

Martin A. Schwartz
October 8, 2014

Section 1983 Litigation (Third Edition) analyzes the large number of recurring issues that arise in litigation under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. This monograph contains new sections on discovery, Bivens claims, new material on stops and searches, and model jury instructions.

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