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Younger Abstention | Exceptions to Abstention
Younger Abstention
A parent sought an order compelling a federal court to modify and enforce the custody decision of a state court.
Grave Risk | Domestic Violence | Discovery | Experts | Findings
Ameliorative Measures | Undertakings | Office of Children’s Issues | Grave Risk | Foreign Law
Objection of the Child | Manner of Hearing | Wishes vs. Objections | Immigration Status and Settlement
Grave Risk | Ameliorative Measures | Discretion to Return
Custody Rights | Settlement Agreements | Choice of Law
Videoconference Testimony | Sixth Amendment Right to Confront and the Hague Convention
In this case, the petitioner made a pretrial request to appear by videoconference.
Domestic Violence | Grave Risk | Child Not a Target of Abuse | No Expert Witness Required to Testify to Psychological Dangers to the Child
This case addressed the question whether domestic violence against a parent poses grave risk to a child.
Child’s Objection to Return
In this case, the First Circuit reviewed whether a mature child’s objection to return was sufficient for the district court to deny the mother’s request for his return to Venezuela.