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Establishment Clause

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Format: 2024
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Francesca Williams, Laurie Levenson, Evan Lee
November 21, 2024

Criminal Law. Eighth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Experts discuss the Court’s interpretation of status and conduct in the context of ordinances that punish sleeping in public in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, and the absolute bar to retrial of acquittals, even when there are inconsistent verdicts, in McElrath v. Georgia.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Tara L. Grove, James A. Chance
September 28, 2023

First Amendment. Public Accommodations. Experts discuss the Supreme Court’s emerging artistic expression exception to public accommodations laws, and the opinion’s potential impact on anti-discrimination laws in general.

Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael McConnell, Elizabeth C. Wiggins
December 21, 2020

Free Exercise of Religion. Experts discuss the Supreme Court’s shift away from a strong Establishment Clause toward a more robust Free Exercise Clause when considering the constitutionality of giving public aid to religious organizations.

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