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Francesca Williams, Laurie Levenson, Evan Lee
November 21, 2024

Criminal Law. Eighth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Experts discuss the Court’s interpretation of status and conduct in the context of ordinances that punish sleeping in public in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, and the absolute bar to retrial of acquittals, even when there are inconsistent verdicts, in McElrath v. Georgia.

James D. Garbolino
February 13, 2018

Return Orders | Enforcement | Place of Return

This case involves consideration of motions filed by both parents to modify and vacate the order of return. At the time of the hearing on the motions, the children had been returned to their habitual residence, Mexico.

Jayme J. Herschkopf
June 28, 2017

This guide is designed to offer judges an introduction to the law and practice of securities litigation. It provides an overview of the types of legal and practical issues judges may confront in litigation arising under the securities laws, and, where possible, offers suggestions.

James D. Garbolino
January 20, 2016

Order Compelling Parent to Return | Recognition or Enforcement of Custody Orders | No Retroactive Wrongful Retention | Habitual Residence

Anthony Partridge
January 1, 1985

A summary, in outline form, of the statutes' various provisions, emphasizing provisions dealing with bail and youth offenders; changes affecting fines, forfeitures and special assessments; and changes regarding offenders with mental diseases or defects.

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