This report compiles local rules and procedures in the ninety-four district courts on electronic filing by self-represented litigants. More than two thirds of the courts permit self-represented litigants to use the court’s electronic filing system at least on a case-by-case basis.
This report presents the results of an analysis of electronic filing practices in state courts to identify courts that require attorneys to complete electronic filings on the due date before a certain time other than midnight local time.
We learned from several dozen federal clerks of court and members of their staffs that pro se litigants are sometimes able to file electronically using the federal courts’ Case Management/Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) system, but many courts are hesitant to allow pro se filing in CM/ECF.
Tim Reagan, Carly E. Giffin, Jessica L. Snowden, George W. Cort, Jana E. Laks, Roy P. Germano, Marie Leary, Saroja C. Koneru, Jasmine Elmasry, Nafeesah Attah, Rachel N. Palmer, Annmarie S. Khairalla, Danielle R. Rich
April 25, 2022
The Judicial Conference’s standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure requested research on electronic filing practices as it considered whether a filing should be made at some hour earlier than midnight on the day that it is due.
Federal Judicial Center, Jud Watkins, Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation
January 1, 2014
This guide is intended to help transferee clerks of court successfully manage multidistrict litigation (MDL). It contains recommendations from the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation and suggestions for implementing CM/ECF to improve MDL case management.
At the request of the Advisory Committee on Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Center collected and reviewed local bankruptcy rules regarding signatures of non-registrants of CM/ECF (e.g., debtors) and requirements for retention of documents bearing original handwritten signatures of non-registra