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Displaying 1 - 10 of 12, sorted by most recent
Format: 2024
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Robert Timothy Reagan
September 4, 2023

National Urban League v. Ross (Lucy H. Koh, N.D. Cal. 5:20-cv-5799)

Roy P. Germano, Timothy T. Lau, Kristin A. Garri
October 29, 2022

This report uses caseload data to examine case-processing trends in the United States district courts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

P. Read Montague
February 7, 2019

In this module, Dr.

Molly Johnson
January 1, 1995

A research guide on how to do social science research, how to avoid the common pitfalls of analyzing data in a policy-charged environment, and how to work with social scientists who might provide assistance to courts.


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